
  • 网络Portable data terminal
  1. 在个人数据通信快速发展的带动下,功能强大的便携式数据终端以及多媒体终端得到了广泛的应用。

    With the rapid development of the personal data communications , powerful portable data terminals and multimedia terminals have been widely used .

  2. 随着个人数字助理、便携机等便携式数据终端的广泛应用,传统局域网开始由有线向无线方向发展,个人通信的兴起又进一步促进了无线局域网的发展。

    Along with the data terminal equipment applying in modern life widely such as personal digital assistant ( PDA ) and portable computer ( PC ), traditional local area network converts to wireless local area network ( WLAN ) .

  3. 基于图像处理的条码识别系统是图像条码扫描引擎的核心,在实际的应用过程中,PDT(PortableData-collectionTerminal,便携式数据采集终端)中采用图像条码引擎需要解决两个系统之间的通讯问题。

    The barcode recognition system , based on the digital image processing , is the main part of the barcode image scan engine . PTD ( Portable Data-collection Terminal ) need solve the communication of two systems if the system needs the barcode image engine in practice .

  4. 本文所论述的是将数字通信的关键技术应用于我军第一个便携式终端中,该产品填补了我军便携式数据通信终端的空白,并因此获得了天津市技术创新优秀项目一等奖。

    The content of the discourse is pivotal technology of digital communication applying to the first portable terminal of our army , this production fill up blank in portable data communicate terminal of our army , and also the production is beared the palm of technology innovate of Tianjin .