
jiàn jiàng
  • master sportsman;top-notch player;valiant general
健将 [jiàn jiàng]
  • (1) [master sportsman]∶某种活动中的能手

  • (2) [top-notch player]∶运动员等级中最高一级的称号,由国家授予

  • (3) [valiant general]∶古时指英勇善战的将领

健将[jiàn jiàng]
  1. 结果表明:健将组运动员大脑神经系统机能状态最佳,神经调控能力强。

    The result indicated : The group of master sportsman got the best brain nervous system function condition and nerve regulation ability .

  2. 她是个天生的运动健将。

    She is a natural athlete .

  3. 我永远都成为不了一名健身健将!

    I could3 never be a gym bunny !

  4. HannahWilson是自由式游泳健将,她在2006年亚洲游泳锦标赛赢得两枚金牌,2006年亚运会赢得一枚铜牌。

    Freestyler HANNAH WILSON won two gold medals at the2006 Asian Swimming Championships and a bronze at the2006 Asian Games .

  5. 这位中国七尺健将曾短期效力于NBA的四支队伍--它们分别是密尔沃基雄鹿队、新泽西网队、华盛顿奇才队和达拉斯小牛队。

    The Chinese seven-footer has played for four different teams in the NBA with short stints with the Milwaukee Bucks , New Jersey Nets , Washington Wizards , and Dallas Mavericks .

  6. 另外一个游泳健将VladimirSalnikov他在400米,800米和1500米自由泳项目上保持着12项世界纪录。

    Another swimmer is Vladimir Salnikov who set12 world records in the400-meter , 800-meter , and1,500-meter freestyle .

  7. 走吧captain:队长lacrosse:长曲棍球Nate是他们曲棍球队的队长all-star:明星运动员cross-country:越野的而且还是个长跑健将嗨嘿!

    Nate : Let 's go . - Howie : Nate is the captain of his lacrosse team , as well as being an , all-star cross-country runner . - Jenny : Hi . - Eric : Hey ! -

  8. 拥有著名沙排健将ShaunaMullin和ZaraDampney的英国女子排球队将在周日下午5:30首战对抗加拿大,而有包括JohnGarcia-Thompson和SteveGrotowski在内的男子排球队则周六下午4:30就将对阵加拿大劲敌。

    The British women 's team - Shauna Mullin and Zara Dampney - will play their opening match against Canada at 5.30 pm on Sunday while the men 's team of John Garcia-Thompson and Steve Grotowski will play Canada on Saturday at 4.30 .

  9. 我小时候不是个运动健将。

    " I wasn 't an athletic kid ," he says .

  10. 我国健将级女子标枪运动员运动损伤非技术性因素的调查分析

    Study on Non-technical Injury Factors of Chinese Elite Female Javelin Throwers

  11. 我们会成为全民皆是跑步健将的国家。

    We 'd turn into a whole nation of great runners .

  12. 但是,最近有一个挑战着超过了这个短跑健将的惊人的速度。

    But one challenger recently surpassed the sprinter 's spectacular speed .

  13. 典型范例:这位健将为参加拳击大赛夺魁而进行坚苦的锻炼。

    The challenger has been training hard for the big fight .

  14. 她是滑水运动健将。

    She 's a practised exponent of the sport of water-skiing .

  15. 我们对于体育健将的尊敬和景仰

    the honor and recognition that goes to truly great athletes .

  16. 中国羽毛球运动健将思维心理特征的测试研究

    Testing Study on the Thinking Characteristics of the Chinese Elite Badminton Players

  17. 看起来你在大学里是个运动健将吧。

    You look like you were a jock in college .

  18. 贝利是举世无双的足球健将。

    Pele is in a class of his own as a footballer .

  19. 摩纳哥夏琳王妃之前是奥林匹克游泳健将。

    Princess Charlene of Monaco is the former Olympic swimmer .

  20. 看上去是那种户外运动健将。

    He looked like a model for an outdoor catalogue .

  21. 老虎其实是优秀的游泳健将,他们不怕水。

    Tigers are excellent swimmers and do not avoid water .

  22. 我不是个勇士,也并非运动健将。

    I am not a brave man , nor am I athletic .

  23. 我是游泳健将&曾获得许多奖牌。

    I am a champion swimmer – I have won many medals .

  24. 在欧洲有许多足球健将。

    In Europe , there are many top-notch football players .

  25. 他是短跑健将,而不是游泳选手。

    He is more a sprinter than a swimmer .

  26. 我高中时是全能健将

    I was all-conference in high school . Oh .

  27. 那么,人类为什么能成为长跑健将呢?

    So what makes humans such endurance running superstars ?

  28. 像个奥运会摔跤健将同时又是个款爷

    Like an Olympic wrestler , but with money .

  29. 但愿你们都是游泳健将你们对巫师品性可真不了解

    Hope you 're better swimmers than you are judges of wizards ' character

  30. 剑桥总是为有运动健将而感到骄傲。

    Here in cambridge , we 've always been proud of our athletic prowess .