
  1. 我怀疑过一些公司的创始人将公司上市变成公众公司的动机。

    In some listings , I have questioned the motives of the founders in taking the company public .

  2. 改革计划自身的历史也被净化和精简,以便尽量减少公众对领导人动机和行动的质疑。

    The history of the reform programme itself has been sanitised and simplified in order to minimise public questioning of leaders'motives and actions .

  3. 自我表征动机主要包括取悦听众和建构理想的公众自我两种动机,其研究主要是探讨儿童的自我表征行为倾向于受哪种动机的主导。

    Self-presentational motives include pleasing the audience and constructing one 's ideal pubic self , and the study about them engages in finding which motive induces self-presentational behavior in elementary school students .