
  1. 基于蒙特卡洛仿真的A公司转换开关项目经济效益评价

    Economic Benefits Evaluation of Universal Switch Project of A Company Based on Monte Carlo Simulation

  2. 上世纪40年代,宝丽来公司转换经营领域,为美国陆军生产了数百万副护目镜,同时还为美军飞机提供轰炸瞄准器。

    In the 1940s , Polaroid shifted gears and churned out millions of pairs of goggles for the army , along with bombsight optics for U.S. military aircraft .

  3. B-S模型在我国上市公司可转换债券估值中的应用

    Application of B-S Model on Estimating Convertible Bond of Quoted Company in China

  4. 本文介绍了关键事件技术,并将其运用到调研高端生活超市CS公司会员转换购物场所行为的研究之中,发放问卷500余份。

    This article introduces the critical incident technology and applies it to research customers ' switching behavior , by distributing more than 500 copies of questionnaires .

  5. 上市公司可转换债券的定价方法研究

    Convertible Bonds of Listed Companies Pricing Method

  6. 上市公司可转换债券价值分析

    Value Analysis of Listed Company Convertible Bonds

  7. 上市公司可转换债券作为一种新的上市公司再融资工具,为我国的证券市场增添了活力。

    As a new refinancing instruments of quoted company , convertible bond adds energy to securities business .

  8. 在国外,客户出于各种各样的原因,如融资、所得税、遗产税、赠与税、购销合同及公司产权转换等,要求进行企业价值评估。

    In America , the business valuations are performed due to various reasons such as financing , income taxation , inheritance tax , donation tax , sales contracts and ownership transformation between entities .

  9. 通过计量结果显示上市公司可转换债券的融资成本最高,配股的融资成本次之,增发的融资成本最小,这说明增发是上市公司进行股权再融资成本的最有选择。

    Through the measurement it shows that convertible bonds of listed companies financing the cost of the highest , followed by placement of shares of the financing costs , minimize the cost of additional financing , indicating additional shares of listed companies is refinancing the cost of the most select .

  10. 随着《上市公司发行可转换公司债券实施办法》和3个配套相关文件的颁布,可转换债券将成为我国上市公司继IPO和配股融资后的第三种重要融资方式。

    With the issue of " enforcement means of what listed corporate issues convertible corporate bonds " and three matched and related files , convertible bonds have been the third important financing means after IPO and match stock 's financing manners .

  11. 但公司发行可转换债券和投资者购买可转换债券都要承担一些风险。

    Analysis on the Bond Funds But convertible bond also has risk .

  12. 第四部分是对新钢钒公司发行可转换债券的实例分析。

    It 's still one of the foundation to evaluate the convertible bonds .

  13. 但纽约很多人对苹果公司的这个转换表示不满意。

    But many here in New York aren 't happy Apple made the switch .

  14. 我国公司发行可转换债券的市场反应

    Market Reaction on Convertible Issuing of Chinese Companies

  15. 为发行公司发行可转换债券和投资者选择如何投资可转换债券提供了理论依据和实证方法。

    The thesis provides the theory gist and empirical method for issuing company and investors .

  16. 这使得他们一位很有经验的公司去的转换。

    This makes them one of the most experienced companies to go to for the conversion .

  17. 该公司准备为转换活动做出重大投资,并正在寻求现代化路线图规划方面的帮助。

    The company is prepared to invest significantly for the initiative and looking for assistance in charting a roadmap for modernization .

  18. 使用事件研究法,分析了我国公司发行可转换债券的市场反应。

    By using the method of event study , the paper studies the market reaction on convertible issues of Chinese listed companies .

  19. 公司债券可转换为股票的,除具备发行公司债券的条件外,还应当符合股票发行的条件。

    Corporate Bonds convertible into shares shall meet not only the requirements for the issue of Bonds But also the requirements for the issue of shares .

  20. 本项目的研究对我国上市公司利用可转换债券融资有指导意义,对我国资本市场的完善与发展有借鉴作用。

    This study has directive significance to our country listed company , there is reference function to perfection and development of the capital market of our country .

  21. 上市公司发行可转换为股票的公司债券,应当报国务院证券监督管理机构核准。

    To issue corporate bonds that may be converted into stocks , the listed company shall file an application with the securities regulatory institution for examination and approval .

  22. 参与公司新产品转换项目小组,并负责新产品安装工艺的设计、编辑、维护、更新。

    Attend the NPT ( New Product Transfer ) project team , and responsible for design , edit , maintenance , update the OMS ( Operational Method Sheet ) of the new product .

  23. 中国自上世纪90年代允许深、沪市上市公司发行可转换债券融资以来,可转换债券的发展一直比较缓慢。

    Since China allowed listed companies in the stock markets of Shanghai and Shenzhen to issue convertible bonds financing since the 1990s of last century , the development of the convertible bonds has been very slow .

  24. 从家族企业向现代公司制度的转换是一种趋势,但这种转换是有条件的,至少在现阶段来看,家族企业家族化经营仍是不少家族企业的恰当选择。

    It is a trend that family enterprises transfrom to modern enterprises system , but this transformation needs condition , at least at present period , it is also the choice of family enterprises to conduct family management .

  25. 2001年4月28日,《上市公司发行可转换公司债券实施办法》及其三个配套文件正式出台,标志着可转换公司债券成为我国资本市场一种常规的投融资金融工具。

    After several years of stagnation , Regulations of Offering Convertible Bond and other three relevant official regulation papers were brought out in April 2001 , indicating that convertible bond is officially recognized as an ordinary financing approach .

  26. 文章通过比较分析17家公司的可转换债券发行条款中转换价格、转换价格调整条款,发现我国可转换债券发行条款设计大多雷同,并没有根据实际情况进行创新。

    After comparing and analyzing 17 companies ' conversion price item and the adjusted of conversion price , the paper indicates the issue item of Chinese convertible bonds are samely and haven 't own feature in terms of their practical conditions .

  27. 结果,从总部视角到子公司视角的转换在经营战略逻辑、资源配置格局以及考核、协调和控制子公司方面产生新的挑战。

    As a result , in the area of the logic of overseas operational strategy , resources deployment as well as evaluating , coordinating and controlling overseas subsidiaries , there are new challenges brought about by the transition of the angle of view from headquarters to subsidiaries .

  28. 对于发行公司来说,可转换债券提供了比直接发行债券或股票更加灵活、高效率的融资方式;

    To the company , issuing convertible bonds is a more effective and flexible way to finance .

  29. 文章首先介绍本篇论文的研究对象&公司债券和可转换公司债券,通过对两类债券基本信息和其发行主体的观察,说明这两类债券的基本情况和在我国的发展现状。

    Illustrate the basic situation and the current development of these two bonds in China , through the observation of their main information and their issuers .

  30. 本文主要是从理论和实证方面研究我国上市公司对于发行可转换债券融资选择动机及对公司经营绩效的影响。

    This article mainly studies convertible bond financing options motivation and the influence of the operating performance of the listed companies in China from the theory and empirical .