
xiě zhào
  • portrayal;mirror;portraiture;description;portray (a person);sketch
写照 [xiě zhào]
  • (1) [portray (a person);description;sketch]∶画人的肖像

  • 传神写照

  • (2) [portrayal; portraiture]∶描写刻画

  • 矿工生活的真实写照

写照[xiě zhào]
  1. 中俄边境贸易60年历程是一个由小变大、由弱变强、不断拓展完善的发展史,是中俄60年经济转轨调整的真实写照。

    Sino-Russian border trade is a60-year journey from small to big and from weak to strong , and is a true portrayal of the economic transition adjustment .

  2. 博曼值得为他的每一个严峻的拉库玛Hirani的'Munnabhai'系列第一医学院院长写照奖。

    Boman deserves every award for his portrayal of a stern medical college dean in the first of Rajkumar Hirani 's'Munnabhai'series .

  3. 无家可归者的数量是社会状况的生动写照。

    The number of homeless people is a telling comment on the state of society .

  4. 她的书是女性当下所面临问题的凄凉写照。

    Her book paints a bleak picture of the problems women now face

  5. 她的生活是她性格放大了的写照。

    Her life was her personality writ large .

  6. 那简直就是银行里糟糕局面的写照。

    That is a measure of how bad things have become at the bank .

  7. 说《豪门恩怨》或《锦绣豪门》等电视剧是美国人生活的典型写照是很滑稽的。

    The idea that TV shows like ' Dallas ' or ' Dynasty ' represent typical American life is laughable

  8. 这本书是他在纽约生活的写照。

    The book arose out of his life in new york .

  9. 百花盛开春满园是今日文坛的写照。

    The world of letters can be portrayed today as a garden with a hundred flowers in bloom .

  10. 她隐晦地表示说这部电影是她人生的写照。

    She made a cryptic comment about how the film mirrored her life .

  11. 崔姬又像男孩又像女孩,是她当时真实的生活写照。

    Twiggy was a little of both boy and girl a mirror of her time .

  12. 在我看来,我的NBA生涯就是一名完美职业球员的写照,在职业赛场打拼了14年。

    As far as I 'm concerned , my NBA career was defined by being a consummate professional and competing professionally for 14 seasons .

  13. 这也是Stringdusters乐队由“警察”创作的主打歌曲《WalkingOnTheMoon(在月球上行走)》封面明显区别于蓝草风格的很好写照。

    Which is also a good description of the Stringdusters distinctly non-bluegrass cover of the Police hit " Walking On The Moon . "

  14. 这大胆的宣言堪称Netflix自身的绝好写照,目前,它正以惊人的速度在全球扩张。

    Such an audacious declaration could very well have been written for Netflix itself as it pursues global expansion at breakneck speed .

  15. 正如NPR新闻的阿里·夏皮罗所报道的,这张图表就是政府实施干预措施来拯救经济影响的写照。

    As NPR 's Ari Shapiro reports it charts the impact on the government 's interventions to save the economy .

  16. 这可能是对赫芬顿的准确写照,如果不总是有条理的话。她曾就从毕加索(Picasso)到政治等各种话题撰书。

    If it is not always coherent , that is perhaps an accurate reflection of Ms Huffington , who has written books on topics from Picasso to politics .

  17. 这位志向远大、在互联网公司盛大(Shanda)任职的24岁白领是中国年轻一代的写照。

    With her ambitious agenda , the 24-year-old office worker at Shanda , an internet company , is an emblem of China 's young generation .

  18. 这事件是Chadwick自己童年的真实写照,当她的母亲责骂她晚饭后又吃了一个甜饼。

    That incident echoed one from Chadwick 's own childhood , when her mother chided her for taking a cookie to eat after dinner .

  19. 好一幅绝妙的写照,活现了仁慈为怀的英国法律。

    What a novel illustration of the tender laws of England !

  20. 那老人脸就是岁月的写照。

    The old man 's face is a map of time .

  21. 书中的主人公就是作者的自我写照。

    The book 's hero is a self-portrait of the author .

  22. 夕张市是一个写照,整个日本正陷入人口问题的漩涡。

    Like Yubari , Japan is heading into a demographic vortex .

  23. 不幸地是,这往往是我们每个人的写照。

    Unfortunately , this is often the case with most people .

  24. 它在中国古代写生又称之为写真、写照、传神等。

    Chinese ancient painting , portraiture , vivid , called portrait .

  25. 但是对于喜剧演员来说,这场景不过就是他周三晚上的一个写照。

    For a comedian , it is just another Wednesday night .

  26. 这无不是我周二上学的真实写照。

    This is all me Tuesday go to school of true portrayal .

  27. 这部影片是战争时期英国日常生活的写照。

    The movie is a mirror of daily life in wartime britain .

  28. 我想说,你选择的人是你心境的写照!

    Who 's you choose that is from what do your thought !

  29. 百折不挠正是我们美国精神的确切写照!

    That unyielding spirit is what defines us as Americans .

  30. 于运动中发展:辅助性T细胞的写照。

    Development in motion : helper T cells at work .