
nóng tián
  • farmland;agricultural land;cropland;cultivated land;shamba
农田 [nóng tián]
  • [farmland;cropland] 农业生产的用地;耕种的田地

农田[nóng tián]
  1. 国家电视台播出了大片农田淹没在水中的影像。

    State television showed film of vast areas of farmland underwater .

  2. 该公司拥有盖特威克机场周边的大片农田。

    The company owns a chunk of farmland near Gatwick Airport .

  3. 飞行员在一片农田里紧急着陆。

    The pilot made an emergency landing in a field .

  4. 我们的农田在河边。

    Our farm land was adjacent to the river .

  5. 农田被洪水淹没了。

    The fields had been submerged by floodwater .

  6. 在这片以石墙隔出巴掌大的农田的乡村,驴子比汽车还多。

    Donkeys outnumber cars in this landscape of tiny stonewalled fields .

  7. 他们不得不将10%未被充分利用的农田廉价卖掉。

    They had to sell off 10 percent of all underutilized farmland .

  8. 山势在南边一路下倾延伸至农田。

    To the south the hills dropped away to farmland

  9. 北边是索尔韦平原平坦而肥沃的农田。

    To the north lie the flat and fertile farmlands of the Solway plain

  10. 这块过去曾是农田的地1964年前一直被用作沙砾坑。

    This area of former farmland was worked as a gravel pit until 1964 .

  11. 我们在河上建造了一个水坝作农田灌溉之用。

    We have built a barrage across the river to provide water for farming .

  12. 他们在荒原上拓出大片农田。

    They opened up large areas of wasteland and turned them into farmland .

  13. 两条林带屏蔽着农田。

    Two forest belts screen the farmland from the wind .

  14. 农田遭受严重霜灾。

    Farmland was seriously affected by the frost disaster .

  15. 洪水淹浸了数千亩农田。

    Floodwaters inundated thousands of mu of farmland .

  16. 退守的军队沿途破坏了许多农田和农舍。

    The retreating army laid waste the fields and farm buildings along their path .

  17. 农田上盖满了建筑物。

    The farmland has been built over .

  18. 粮食的安全和命运依赖于充足的雨水,在非洲尤其如此。在那里,96%的农田依赖于降雨,而不是较发达地区常见的灌溉。

    Food security and fortunes depend on sufficient rain , and nowhere more so than in Africa , where 96 % of farmland depends on rain instead of the irrigation common in more developed places .

  19. 相反,它认为,由于人口增速的减缓,当前被开垦的农田也许能够退耕还林。

    Instead , it says , thanks to slowing population growth , land currently ploughed up for crops might be able to revert to forest or wilderness .

  20. 65岁以上与35岁以下农民的比例是6:1,且全国三分之二的农田都需要新农民,因此我们必须让愿意为国家种植粮食的人才毫无阻碍地去做这件事。

    With farmers over the age of 65 outnumbering farmers younger than 35 by six to one , and with two-thirds of the nation 's farmland in need of a new farmer , we must clear the path for talented people willing to grow the nation 's food .

  21. 没有尼罗河沿岸丰富的农田资源,古埃及文明可能也就不会出现了。

    Without the rich farmland along the banks of the Nile , there might be no ancient Egypt civilization .

  22. 这些树能挡住旱风,保护农田。

    These trees will shield off arid winds and protect the fields .

  23. 长江灌溉着两岸的大片农田。

    The Yangtse River irrigates vast stretches of farmland along its course .

  24. 第三十四条国家实行基本农田保护制度。

    Article 34 The State fosters the system of protecting the basic farmland .

  25. 这些土地被分成了农田和庄园

    These lands were parcelled into farms or manors .

  26. 农田塑料薄膜(地膜)污染对土壤环境危害很大,覆膜灌溉技术可能会增加其复杂性。

    The plastic sheeting used in farmland extremely pollutes and sabotages the soil environment .

  27. 他们拥有200英亩的农田。

    They own 200 acres of farmland .

  28. 农田大部分是地缝和小溪之间的条状小块。

    The fields were mostly patches laid on the serried landscape.between crevices and small streams .

  29. 2021年建设1亿亩旱涝保收、高产稳产高标准农田。

    The construction of 100 million mu of high-standard farmland with high and stable yields regardless of drought and flood will be complete this year .

  30. 污水处理厂现在可以收集排入污泥中的大部分微纤维,这些微纤维随后会扩散到农田里或掩埋在垃圾填埋场。

    Waste water treatment works now catch most of the fibre lost in the sludge , that 's then spread on croplands or buried in landfill .