
gāng jiàn
  • vigorous;energetic;robust
刚健 [gāng jiàn]
  • [robust;energetic;vigorous] 指性格、风格、姿态等坚强有力;壮健

  • 我们都以为应该来扶植一点刚健质朴的文艺。--鲁迅《为了忘却的记念》

刚健[gāng jiàn]
  1. 浅谈当前大学生刚健精神之缺失

    The Study on the Lack of Vigorous Spirit on Current University Student

  2. 舞蹈很刚健。

    The dancing was very vigorous .

  3. 我们要以诚实刚健为本,培养出战胜自我的精神。

    With true vigor , we will seek to cultivate a spirit of self-denial .

  4. 将刚健精神的培养纳入学生人生观教育之中;

    Sign of Spirit brings the education of raising vigorous spiritual into students ' life education ;

  5. 沉郁质朴刚健雄放&新时期唐山文艺风格论

    Gloomy but Modesty , Vigorous and Powerful & On Literature Style of Tangshan Literature in New Time

  6. 刚健以气势的充溢博大而动人心魄,它是一种明朗而圣洁的精神人格美,是一种自强不息、德比天地的人生理想境界。

    Energy is a noble beauty of soul and character , which is an ideal realm of life .

  7. 作品的无胆表现为缺少了刚健的思想和崇高的理想。

    The work without " Dan " will be a writing lack of vigorous thoughts and lofty ideals .

  8. 唐诗风骨即坚实的思想内容和刚健明丽的表现形式的完美统一。

    The vigour of style of Tang poetry is the perfect unity of solid contents and vigorous and sprightly forms .

  9. 在预赛中排行第一的凯基动作刚健有力,夺得第一名。

    Kegie who was in first place in the preliminary showed his energetic and powerful performance and won the final .

  10. 非公有制经济人士应具备的人文文化素质是:刚健有为,自强不息;

    The humanistic cultural qualities that the non-public economy representative people should own are : to be vigorous and promising ;

  11. 刚健的语言风格主要体现在大量使用反问句、设问句以及较多使用短句运用上。

    The energetic performance style mainly reflects that he use so many rhetorical questions , design questions and short sentences .

  12. 最重要的有这么两点:强调政治标准,淡化道德标准;推崇刚健有为,鄙视碌碌无为。

    The most important two are as follows : He emphasis on political standard , but pays less attention to moral standard .

  13. 传统文化中刚健有为的人生态度与崇高的道德追求有助于纠正学生中普遍存在的信仰危机;

    In the traditional culture the vigorous and ambitious life manner and the lofty moral pursuit is conducive to correcting the belief crisis ;

  14. 北朝诗中的风意象数量不多,但有着质朴刚健的独特风格,它们与西晋以来绵延不断的悲情风意象一起,代表了此期风意象传统的一面。

    The number of wind imagery in the North Dynasty 's poems was not very much , but had its own naivete style .

  15. 这场发生在书法领域的思潮,影响渐渐波及绘画,从而使绘画以一种刚健生辣的面貌出现。

    The thought which happened in the area of calligraphy gradually evolved to painting , and led painting to a robust and vigorous situation .

  16. 作为民族文化的一部分,武术体现了中国传统文化中刚健有为,注重整体思维、重和谐、以家族为本位的文化特征。

    As a part of national culture , martial arts embody both the energetic and promising integrated thoughts and the harmony-emphasized and family-oriented characteristics .

  17. 这是日记,尼古拉。她把一本蓝色笔记本递给他看,上面写满了笔迹刚健的字。

    It 's my diary , Nikolay , she said , handing him a blue note-book , filled with her firm , bold handwriting .

  18. 他继承了苏轼“平淡天真”、董其昌“淡然无味天人粮”的思想,确立了“刚健婀娜审真伪”的审美原则,具有重要的理论价值。

    Furthermore , he established the aesthetic principle of " vigor and grace identify reality or falsity " which is of important theoretical value .

  19. 丁玲创作多采用直接抒情、心理分析的方式,呈现出豪放、刚健的风格;

    Ding ling 's novels employed the methods of expressing her emotion directly and psychoanalysis showing a bold and unconstrained , and vigorous style ;

  20. 勇敢之德一直为古代思想家所推崇,勇敢精神也一直激励着人们刚健进取。

    The virtue of courage has been admired by the ancient ideologists , and the courage spirit has inspired people to be energetic and enterprising .

  21. 沧州武林人士继承中华民族刚健有为传统美德是沧州武术昌盛不衰的重要因素。

    The prosperity of Cangzhou martial arts owes a lot to the fact that Cangzhou martial world has inherited the Chinese traditional merits of vigorous body .

  22. 在全球化背景下,面对复杂多变的国际形势,弘扬爱国主义精神就要求我们确立全球意识,树立忧患意识,发扬中华民族刚健有为的民族精神。

    Confronting the complicated and mercurial international situation , patriotism enhancement demanded to confirm ' global consciousness ' and establish ' tribulation consciousness ' to intensify national vigorous spirits .

  23. 寻根,即审视民族传统文化,汲取各种文化精髓,塑造出英勇刚健的少年群体;

    Seek origin , creators investigate the traditional culture , and draw to take the every kind of culture the essence , and mold the bravery of young community ;

  24. 汉语修辞风格主要体现在以下几个方面:刚健和柔婉、简洁和细密、绮丽和质朴、明快和含蓄。

    Chinese rhetorical style is mainly reflected in the following ways : robust and tender , concise and detailed , complicated and charming and plain , lucid and lively and reserved .

  25. 陈子昂的风骨说意在提倡力的美,刚健的美,以呼唤具有盛气壮采的文学,适应新时代的需要。

    CHEN Zi ang 's vigour of style theory aims at advocating the beauty of strength and power to awake the vigorous literature to adapt to the needs of the new era .

  26. 温斯顿跳到电幕前面,来了个立正。电幕上早出现了个年轻女人,瘦骨嶙峋的,然而刚健有力,身穿紧身上衣,脚蹬体操鞋。

    Winston sprang to attention in front of the telescreen , upon which the image of a youngish woman , scrawny but muscular , dressed in tunic and gym-shoes , had already appeared .

  27. 阐述了刚健精神的内涵,分析了当前大学生缺失刚健精神的种种表现:思想上,存在着理想信仰迷失的倾向;

    The article elaborated the connotation of vigorous spirit , analyzed several performances of lacking vigorous spirit on current university student , such as : the tendency of losing idea and belief on thought ;

  28. 傅玄以诗歌著称,描写妇女类诗哀怨缠绵,抒发怀抱类诗悲凉刚健,庙堂诗歌典雅厚重。

    Fu Xuan was known in poetry , poems describing a class of women seemed sad and lingering , works that to express personal emotions desolate and energetic , that ancestral poems elegant and heavy .

  29. 至盛唐,经过初唐文学革新,文坛上基本廓清了六朝以来的华靡之风,呈现出清新刚健的文风。

    The Tang period , through the Early innovations , literature on the basic dissection of the Six Dynasties of China since the extravagant style , and create a fresh and healthy the Tang literature .

  30. 具体说来,陈瑞献的作品中存在着三种文学空间:阴暗腐朽的现实世俗世界、光明刚健的哲性世界和无碍自由的圆融境地。

    Specifically , there are three literary spaces in Chen Ruixian 's works : the dark and corrupted real world , the bright and vigorous intellectual world and the paradise of utmost freedom and harmony .