
chuànɡ zhì quán
  • initiative;right of initiative
  1. 创制权和复决权在西方运用最广。

    The initiative and referendum were used most widely in the West .

  2. 有[掌握]创制权

    Have [ seize ] the initiative

  3. 掌握到[掌握着,放弃]政权有[掌握]创制权

    Assume [ hold , drop ] the reins of government have [ seize ] the initiative

  4. 他们建议给予人民另一个和最后的手段&创制权和复决权。

    They proposed to give the people an alternative and a last resort-the initiative and referendum .

  5. 第二,农民没有对于乡镇财政的创制权;

    The second , farmers have no the right of institution of finance villages and towns ;

  6. 最后的争论[斗争];最后的手段(尤指诉诸武力)他们建议给予人民另一个和最后的手段&创制权和复决权。

    They proposed to give the people an alternative and a last resort-the initiative and referendum . The strike is the ultima ratio of Trade Unionism .

  7. 但是,目前我国主流民法理论仍不承认判例的裁判规制作用,法律也没有赋予法官民事判例的创制权。

    However , the influential theory of civil law in China still does not admit the jurisprudence function of the cases and the current laws do not empower the judges the right to create the civil cases .

  8. 政府在创制BOT特许权协议中有七个方面的问题值得注意。

    There are seven factors to be worth notice when the government contrives the BOT concession agreement .

  9. 指导性案例的创制程序,是指享有指导性案例创制权的司法机关在指导性案例的制作、报送、遴选、审核、公布与废除等活动中必须遵循的步骤和方法。

    ( 2 ) Establishing procedures of directive cases means the steps and measures that shall be followed in the activities of making , reporting , selecting , inspecting , publishing and abolishing directive cases by justice authorities with rights to establish directive cases .