
fù zǒnɡ cái
  • vice president;deputy governor;vice director general
  1. 副总裁说那个漫画家和他有私怨。

    The vice president said the cartoonist has a personal vendetta against him

  2. 总裁去世后,大家选举副总裁为公司主管领导。

    When the president died , the vice president was chosen to head the firm .

  3. 他们的副总裁是他们的代言人。

    Their mouthpiece is the vice-president

  4. 布琳·哈灵顿�脸书(Facebook)员工成长副总裁

    Brynn Harrington , Vice2 President of People Growth , Facebook

  5. Loblaw的高级副总裁IanGordon指出,顾客们通常太注重蔬果的外表了。

    Loblaw senior vice3 president Ian Gordon pointed4 out that customers often put too much stock in the look of food .

  6. 现在我已经成了公司的副总裁。但是这并没有改变我待人接物的方式。

    I 've become vice president , but that hasn 't changed the way I approach people .

  7. 刚毕业的你不会一年挣4万美元,在你将此职位和汽车都挣到手以前,你不会成为一个公司的副总裁,并拥有一部装有电话的汽车。

    You will not make 40 thousand dollars a year right out of high school . You won " t be a vice1 president with a car phone , until you earn both .

  8. 而且他们在公司的职位越高,拥有远程工作特权的可能性就越大:远程工作者的头衔大多是创始人/总裁(55%)或副总裁(46%)。

    And the higher they were on the corporate5 ladder , the more likely survey respondents were to have the privilege of working remotely : The job levels with the greatest percentages of remote workers were founder / C-level ( 55 percent ) and vice6 president ( 46 percent ) .

  9. 我以前是DexOne公司的副总裁

    I was a V.P. For dex one .

  10. 本文作者布鲁斯o凯茨是布鲁金斯学会的副总裁,也是都市政策项目(MetropolitanPolicyProgram)的共同主任。

    Bruce Katz is a vice president at the Brookings Institution and co-director of the Metropolitan Policy Program .

  11. AngelDiaz,副总裁,软件标准和云实验室,IBM

    Angel Diaz , Vice President , Software Standards and Cloud Labs , IBM

  12. 在2002年成立GorillaLogic之前,他曾是Sun微系统公司全球Java咨询服务的副总裁。

    Prior to founding Gorilla Logic in2002 , Stu was Vice President of global Java consulting services at Sun Microsystems .

  13. Gartner研发副总裁MarkDriver,也与上述报告中的CIO持类似观点

    Mark Driver , Research Vice President , Gartner , makes a similar point in the aforementioned CIO Perspective report

  14. 社交游戏公司Zynga聘用了电子艺界(ElectronicArts)的副总裁杰夫•卡普,他将担任这家社交网络游戏创业公司的首席营销官和首席营收官。

    Zynga hired away Electronic Arts VP Jeff Karp , who will serveat the social gaming startup as chief marketing and revenue officer .

  15. 我是XXX,主管行销的高级副总裁。

    I 'm XXX , Senior Vice President in charge of marketing .

  16. RiotGames公司的电竞副总裁达斯汀o贝克指出:我们在体育场里举办的比赛门票全部售光,充分说明了玩家们对电子竞技的热情。

    Selling out stadiums shows how passionate players are about eSports , said Dustin Beck , VP of eSports at Riot Games .

  17. 卡沙尼是总部位于加利福尼亚的ConcordEnterprises的副总裁。该公司是美国打折“一元店”最大的批发商之一。

    Mr Kashani is vice-president of California-based Concord Enterprises , one of the largest distributors to discount " dollar stores " in the US .

  18. 思科副总裁兼首席安全官约翰•斯图尔特(JohnStewart)说,这份报告描绘了网络安全现状的一幅悲观图景。

    John Stewart , senior vice-president and chief security officer , said the report painted a grim picture of the state of cyber security .

  19. 沃尔沃设计高级副总裁托马斯•英根拉特(ThomasIngenlath)表示,沃尔沃从吉利那里学到了要重视后排座的乘客。

    Thomas Ingenlath , head of design , said Volvo had learned to value the importance of the back-seat passenger from its Chinese owner .

  20. 苏鑫:激励创造奇迹&专访SOHO中国有限公司高级副总裁苏鑫

    Su Xin : Motivation Create Miracle

  21. 华为TDD产品线副总裁邱恒是华为4G团队的一员。

    Qiu Heng is TDD Network Vice President at Huawei , part of the company 's 4G team .

  22. 鲍勃·吉利根(BobGilligan)是通用电气能源集团数字能源副总裁。

    Bob Gilligan is the vice-president for GE 's digital energy business , part of GE Energy .

  23. 就在最近,全球信息系统策略副总裁LarrySinger也离开了,并再次表明Sun的开放源码策略是其离开的重要因素。

    More recently Larry Singer , Vice President of Global Information Systems Strategy , left and again cited Sun 's open source strategy as a significant factor .

  24. 在本月初举办的《财富》(Fortune)“最具影响力女性峰会”上,我采访了可口可乐整合营销沟通与能力高级副总裁温蒂•克拉克。

    At the fortune most powerful women summit earlier this month , I interviewed Wendy Clark , SVP of integrated marketing communications and capabilities at Coca-Cola ( KO ) .

  25. 中国在必要时仍有做出有力回应的空间,IMF第一副总裁戴维利普顿(DavidLipton)表示。

    China again has space for a forceful response if necessary , said David Lipton , first deputy managing director of the IMF .

  26. 人力资源公司DevelopmentDimensionsInternationalInc.副总裁理查•魏林斯(RichWellins)表示,今天的管理人员越来越需要这项技能。

    ' It is a skill managers need more and more today , 'says Rich Wellins , a vice president at Development Dimensions International Inc. , a human resources company .

  27. 工程部副总裁迈克•雅培于10月13日宣布将离开Twitter,作为入驻企业家加入风险投资公司基准投资(BenchmarkCapital)。

    Mike Abbott , VP of engineering , announced last month on October 13 that he would be leaving and moving to his a role as entrepreneur in residence at benchmark capital .

  28. 戴尔芬去年被任命为路易威登的执行副总裁;之前她是迪奥(ChristianDior)的副总经理。

    Delphine was named executive vice president of Louis Vuitton last year ; previously she was deputy managing director at Christian Dior .

  29. Cook初加入苹果公司担任全球业务资深副总裁时,便被赋予彻底改善公司长久以来供应链效率低落的重大挑战。

    When Cook first joined Apple his title was Senior Vice President for Worldwide Operations & a position that challenged him to overhaul the company 's inefficient supply chain .

  30. 美国钢铁协会(AmericanIronandSteelInstitute)高级副总裁凯文•邓普西(KevinDempsey)表示:美国钢铁业面临的状况时,来自世界各地的进口迅猛增长。

    The US steel industry is facing a very sizeable increase in imports from around the world , says Kevin Dempsey , senior vice-president of the American Iron and Steel Institute .