
  • 网络Office Etiquette;the proprieties in office
  1. 办公室礼仪能够使得职业生活愉快并且富于效率。

    Office etiquette are formal rules of behavior that make professional encounters pleasant and productive .

  2. 霍斯说道:很多毕业生可能不知道在办公室应该怎样做事,也许他们从没在这样的环境工作过,所以一切都是陌生的,无论是接电话、穿着还是称呼别人都属于办公室礼仪。

    Hawes says : What some graduates might not have is the office know-how , maybe they 've never worked in an office before so everything 's new , whether it 's answering the phone or the way you dress or address people , the things like that office etiquette .

  3. 本文是员工希望老板遵守的10种办公室礼仪。

    Here are 10 etiquette rules your staff wishes you 'd follow .

  4. 这同样也意味着你不必处理办公室礼仪,也不必要倾尽感情面对待同事与老板。

    It also means not having to deal with office politics and emotionally draining colleagues and bosses .

  5. 无论你是实习生还是老板,你都需要知道基本的办公室礼仪,知道如何在工作中做到彬彬有礼。

    Whether you 're the intern or the boss , learn how to be polite at work with basic office manners .

  6. 遵守办公室基本礼仪,人人有责。但是有些经理会制定一些与众不同的规定以利于他们更顺利地开展工作。

    Every employee should observe some basic office etiquette , but managers have some rules unique to them that will help their workplaces run a lot more smoothly .

  7. 她认为,办公室里新的礼仪时代已经到来。

    She argues that the time has come for a new formality at work .