
  • 网络Nubian;nubia;ZTE
  1. 苏丹输油管道在喀土穆北45km处穿越尼罗河,穿越处河床分布的主要地层为中砂、卵石及努比亚砂岩。

    Sudan oil pipeline will pass through Nile 45 km away north of Al Khartoum . The mainly distributed strata at river bed includes medium sand , peddle and Nubia sandstone .

  2. 挽救努比亚古迹国际运动;

    International campaign to save the monuments of nubia ;

  3. 与努比亚野驴、索马里野驴和亚洲野驴的序列构建NJ系统发育树,首次证明我国家驴的母系起源为非洲野驴中的索马里驴和努比亚驴,亚洲野驴不是中国家驴的祖先。

    The NJ tree of Chinese domestic donkeys with Nubian , Somali and Asian wild ass was constructed , which first proved that the maternal origin of Chinese domestic donkeys was from Somali and Nubian of African wild ass but not from Asian wild ass .

  4. 努比亚沙漠好像在他们面前无限伸展开来。

    The Nubian desert seemed to strech out before them endlessly .

  5. 那个努比亚人立刻下来,打开车门。

    The Nubian immediately descended and opened the carriage door .

  6. 星系中最黑的兄弟一个努比亚人。

    The blackest brother in the galaxy * Nubian guy .

  7. 《阿伊达》是关于一位努比亚公主的故事。

    Aida is the story of a Nubian princess .

  8. 人类学家们都知道努比亚人造啤酒的经验丰富。

    Anthropologists know the Nubians were skilled brewers .

  9. 这座雕像被发现在庙由T佤,在上努比亚。

    This statue was found in Temple T at Kawa , in Upper Nubia .

  10. 许多努比亚人也说他们祖传下来的语言。

    Many Nubians also speak their ancestral language .

  11. 埃及和努比亚沿尼罗河伸展;

    Egypt and Nubia stretched along the Nile ;

  12. 从阿布-辛拜勒到菲莱的努比亚遗迹

    Nubian Monuments from Abu Simbel to Philae

  13. 坐在这样一艘小船上,和两个努比亚水手一起共度48个小时,那是需要冒很大的风险的。

    Climbing aboard a tiny boat with two Nubian sailors for48 hours was a leap of faith .

  14. 因此这些食物中的四环素可以用来解释古努比亚人的伤寒低感染率。

    Infectious diseases other than typhus to which the ancient Nubians were exposed are unaffected by tetracycline .

  15. 我一定会继续购买这虽然我不喜欢其他肥皂努比亚文物了。

    I will definitely keep buying this although I do like the other nubian heritage soaps too .

  16. 除了明显的名人认可以外,努比亚手机还有其他特色。

    In addition to the apparent celebrity endorsement , the Nubia phone has other things going for it .

  17. 哈马迪金矿床位于苏丹北部阿拉伯-努比亚地盾新元古代绿岩带内。

    Hamadi gold deposit is located in the Neoproterozoic greenstone belt of the Arabian-Nubian Shield in North Sudan .

  18. “与努比亚的合作是非常重要的,”埃及古迹最高委员会的负责人扎希哈瓦斯说。

    " The campaign was very important ," says the head of the Egyptian supreme Council of Antiquities .

  19. 努比亚矛兵使用短矛和盾牌,不着盔甲,通常用于防御侧翼。

    Useful for guarding flanks , these light troops are armed with a spear but little to no armour .

  20. 农场今年买了一只新的公山羊,纯种的盎格鲁-努比亚山羊,使羊的总数增加到了154头。

    The farm bought a new billy this year , a purebred Anglo-Nubian goat , increasing the herd to 154 .

  21. 四环素的抗生素药性不会随着努比亚人的食物加工过程失掉。

    Bread and beer were the only items in the diet of the ancient Nubians which could have contained tetracycline .

  22. 语言:阿拉伯语是官方语言,努比亚语,尼罗-米特语、丹语以及英语也是常用语言。

    Language : the official language is Arabic . Nubian , Nilo-Hamitic , Sudanic language and English are also spoken .

  23. 这项工作完成之后,重新展示了他们的新发现和进一步解释了不同历史时期的努比亚人。

    It was built after they finished work to display their finds and explain the distinct history of the Nubian people .

  24. 因为大坝,数以万计的努比亚人从他们的祖先的家园尼罗河向埃及的南部和苏丹的北部进行迁移。

    Tens of thousands of Nubians were moved from their homeland along the Nile-in southern Egypt and northern Sudan-because of the dam .

  25. 一般类型:后期专业部队努比亚矛兵是由从撒哈拉南部土地上招募奴隶编练成军。

    Nubian Spearmen are African slaves from the lands south of the Sahara desert , trained and formed into standing military units .

  26. 努比亚永久黑是无害无毒,对人体健康不会造成伤害,建议替代一般染发剂。

    Nubian permanent black are harmless non-toxic , will not cause harm to human health , we recommend an alternative to ordinary hair dye .

  27. 根据穿越处地貌及地层特性决定将努比亚砂岩作为定向钻穿越的围岩。

    Based on the features of geomorphology and strata in the crossing area , the Nubia sandstone is selected to be the surrounding rock .

  28. 这个星期在阿斯旺的努比亚博物馆里,专家们参加了项目的庆祝宣传活动。

    Experts who worked on the salvage projects are celebrating the anniversary of the campaign with events at the Museum in Aswan this week .

  29. 当人们聚集在一起为新的发展而铺设基石,努比亚儿童歌颂阿斯旺的美丽的时,卜杜勒法塔赫先生开心的笑了。

    At a gathering to lay the cornerstone for the new development , Abdul Fattah smiled broadly as Nubian children sang of the beauty of Aswan .

  30. 在南方,正在扩张的国家决定暂时不再互相对抗,这使得努比亚和阿拉伯人处在被他们征服的危险之中。

    In the south , Nubians and Arabians were in danger of being conquered by the expanding powers , who had decided not to engage each other .