
bó dà
  • vast;erudite;broad and profound;broad;wide;extensive
博大 [bó dà]
  • (1) [broad;wide]∶宽广;区域广阔

  • (2) [extensive]∶知识、学识等具有广度的

  • 他的学问博大而精深

博大[bó dà]
  1. 那博大的胸怀,让我的心灵栖息、依偎。

    That vast breast lets my mind getting rest and leaning close to it .

  2. 在窘困的生活中,她们展现了女性博大的母性和坚强宽容的一面。

    In the life , they increasingly showed women vast maternal and strong tolerance side .

  3. 我们应该在北京兴建一个中华饮食文化博物馆,充分调动起海内外参观者的视觉、嗅觉、味觉和触觉,全方位展现中华饮食文化的博大精妙。

    We should build a museum of Chinese food culture in Beijing . It can comprehensively show the rich culture of Chinese food , including its appearance , smell , taste and touch .

  4. 质粒DNA快速提取试剂盒(博大公司);

    Kits for rapid extraction of plasmid DNA ( Boda Company );

  5. 公司注重技术进步,引进了美国德尔福公司的AC自动化装配线和博大自动化装配线。

    The company pays great attention to technology improvement , and it introduced the AC automatic assembly line and Bodine automatic assembly line from American Delphi company .

  6. 本人获邀参加在伦敦多切斯特酒店(TheDorchester)三星级餐厅艾伦•杜卡斯(AlainDucasse)举办的名为“舌尖上的艺术”(TheArtofFineDining)高级培训班,算是有幸了解了当代餐桌礼仪之博大精深。

    My chance to understand the extent of contemporary table theatre came when I was offered a place on " The Art of Fine Dining " masterclass at the three-star Alain Ducasse restaurant at The Dorchester .

  7. 最大风速和风切变图深切而博大的关怀。

    Maximum wind and shear chart A great , enormous solicitude .

  8. 在中国,博大药业生产了唯一的另一种依达拉奉注射液。

    Boda makes the only other injected edaravone available in China .

  9. 我爱恋着这里,这里也以博大的爱爱着我们。

    I love this place while the place loves us generously .

  10. 金融期货交易可以发挥杠杆原理,以小博大,促进经济的发展。

    The financial futures trading can exert leverage and accelerate economic development .

  11. 中华民族的文化和文学具有博大而深厚的哲学内涵,又是宝贵的文化资源。

    China 's culture and literature have broad and profound philosophical connotations .

  12. 博大的明天你我可以想象。

    Boda have a florid tomorrow we all can image .

  13. 是啊,海有博大的胸怀,博大。

    Yes ah , the sea has a broad mind , broad .

  14. 晴朗的天空,向我敞开博大的胸怀。

    What fine sky , it cuddle me with its rich bosom .

  15. 教师应以博大的胸怀去热爱每一个学生。

    Teachers should love every student with their warm heart .

  16. 因为父爱太博大,无法用语言表达。

    Because the love that fathers feel Is too big for words alone !

  17. 使人逐步具备宽厚、仁慈、博大的胸怀。

    Make the person gradually have generous , kind , largeness of mind .

  18. 齐鲁文化,可谓积淀丰厚、博大深邃。

    The centuries-old Qilu culture is extensive and profound .

  19. 亚洲国家很早以前就知道古代中国文化的博大。

    Asian nations have long known about the greatness of ancient Chinese culture .

  20. 中国民间美术的世界博大灿烂、多姿多彩。

    The world of Chinese folk art is very extensive profound and colorful .

  21. 河南博大公司综合工程公司员工绩效考核研究

    The Study of Performance on General Engineering Company of Henan 's Broad Company

  22. 是耐心?同情?还是胸怀的博大?

    Is it patience ? Compassion ? Broad hips ?

  23. 博大而又灵性,给了这张专辑飞翔的翅膀。

    Spacious and inspired , this recording has wings .

  24. 博大水工系列水处理设备由富阳颂源机电有限公司出品。

    Broad & Big water treatment facilities are produced by Fuyang Songyuan Co. , Ltd.

  25. 爱是博大的,爱没有界限。

    Love is large , love defies limits .

  26. 中国民族声乐艺术博大而精深,蕴含着深厚的文化价值,是我国人民智慧的结晶。

    Chinese vocal music is profound , and it is precious for the people .

  27. 其次,佛教为我们提供了一种更为深刻博大的生命价值观念。

    Secondly , Buddhism could supply a more extensive and profound value of lives .

  28. 那些彼此矛盾又互相补充的思想,成就了他诗歌的丰富与博大。

    Moreover those contradictory thoughts enrich his poems .

  29. 我实在讲不了这般博大广泛的题目。

    It 's quite beyond me to speak on a spacious topic like this .

  30. 依凭博大的智慧和宽广的胸怀。

    With great wisdom and broad bosom .