
  • 网络Ephemeris;Zij;day-date
  1. 基于LAGEOS卫星的长期精密历表,应用简单的卫星动力学模式,给出了适合于作该卫星的精密指向预报用的一种计算方法。

    On the basis of the long term precise ephemeris of LAGEOS , a computing method suitable for doing the precise pointing prediction of LAGEOS has been derived .

  2. 根据它的原理所编制的软件能在32K内存和16位字长的微型计算机上生成台站的短期(一天之内)历表,其精度达米级。

    The software compiled according to this method , can be operated on microcomputer ( 32 K storage , 16 bytes ) and is available to generate the short-term ephemeris on site . in meter precision .

  3. 频率分析方法及其在历表表达方面的应用简介

    A frequency analysis method and its application in ephemeris representation

  4. 双历表机心设计中有关问题的探讨

    A research in the design of the watch with day and date display

  5. 由卫星的历表位置测定恒星位置

    Positional determination of a star with respect to the ephemerides of Uranian satellites

  6. 历表、系连与年代史料(续)&关于西周诸王年代的讨论

    Calender , Linkage and Chronology : A Brief Discussion on the Date of Western-Zhou Dynasty

  7. 太阳历表的简便数学模型

    A Simple Mathematical Model of Solar Ephemeris

  8. 本文讨论了用多项式逼近天文历表的方法。

    Methods using polynomials to approximate the functions in the astronomical ephemerides are discussed in this paper .

  9. 提出了一种将圆锥曲线拼接法与历表相结合,快速设计月球卫星地月转移轨道的方法。

    A fast design method for the lunar satellite transfer trajectory is presented by combining patched conic technique and ephemeris .

  10. 文章最后进一步讨论了木星历表作为一份星占学手册在日本古代被星占家们使用的情况。

    Finally , it is identified that the ephemeris has been used as an astrological handbook by Japanese astrologers in973-1132 years .

  11. 本文首先根据纽康的太阳公式,对太阳历表的计算进行了分析,从而建立了一个适用于袖珍电子计算机或程序计算器的简便太阳历表数学模型。

    This paper , after analysing the calculations of the solar ephemeris according to the Newcomb 's solar formula , establishes a simple mathematical model of solar ephemeris suitable for a pocket computer or programe calculator .

  12. 历表、系连与年代史料关于西周年代学研究中若干方法的讨论屈原与五月五日端午的渊源及意义

    Calendar , Linkage and Chronological Data : A Discussion on the Methodology of Chronology of Western Zhou Dynasty QU Yuan and Chinese Lunar Calendar May 5 & The Dragon Boat Festival ′ s Background and Its Meaning

  13. 利用《航海天文历》查表的方法来获得罗经差的计算过程比较复杂。

    The procedures and its analyses to determine compass error by GPS at sea ;

  14. 《大衍历》日躔表是一份四次差分相等的数表,反映一行对太阳运动复杂性的深刻认识。

    The solar equation table of the Dayan Calendar is a mathematical table of equally quartic difference , and it reflects Yi Xing 's profound understanding about the solar motion .

  15. 由于行事历有些复杂,详细相关课程格式与行事历关键字,说明于行事历表之前。

    Due to the complexity of the calendars , detailed explanations of the course format and a calendar key are provided prior to the presentation of the calendars .