
  1. 本文运用发展战略理论,用SWOT分析方法,分析和研究松原市生态旅游产业的发展。

    In this paper , the theory of development strategy , SWOT analysis methods , analysis and research Songyuan eco-tourism industry .

  2. 企业发展战略理论演进与系统形态演化分析

    Analysis on Enterprise Developing Strategy Theory Development and System Form Evolution

  3. 另一类是不平衡发展战略理论。

    And the other is the strategic theory of imbalanced development .

  4. 企业发展战略理论的演进与原理分析

    Analysis on Evolution and Principal of Enterprise Development Strategy Theory

  5. 本文总结了区域经济发展战略理论。

    The paper sums up the theories of regional economy developing strategy .

  6. 经济发展战略理论是社会主义经济理论的重要组成部分。

    Economic development strategy theory is an important ingredient of socialist economy theory .

  7. 县域经济发展战略理论的系统框架

    Systematizing Strategy Theory on Economic Development in County District

  8. 金融深化发展战略理论评析

    An Analysis of Financial Strategy of Deepening Development

  9. 产业赶超发展战略理论演进及其对中国产业发展的启示

    Evolution of Industrial Catching-Up Development Strategy and Its Effects for China 's Industrial Development

  10. 与其他资源相比,土地资源是最能体现可持续发展战略理论的一种资源。

    Compared with other resources , land resource can most reflect the strategic theory of continuity .

  11. 可持续发展战略理论来源

    Theoretical Origin of Sustainable Development Strategy

  12. 职技高师中长期发展战略理论思考

    Strategy and Theory Thought on the Mid and Long - term Development in Vocational and Technological Normal Colleges

  13. 党的第三代领导集体对社会主义发展战略理论的新贡献

    New Contribution on the Theory of Socialist Development by the Collective Leadership of the Party Central Committee of the 3rd Generations

  14. 在理论上,各经济学流派对区域经济学的研究,可以分为两大类:一类是平衡发展战略理论;

    Theoretically , study into regional economics by various economics schools can be classified into two categories : one is the strategic theory of balanced development ;

  15. 上篇为“公路经营企业发展战略理论研究”,下篇为“公路经营企业发展战略案例研究”。

    The first part is the theoretical research of highway operation enterprise development strategy , and the second part is a case study of highway operation enterprise development strategy .

  16. 本文运用发展战略理论和营销组合理论,深入的分析了哈尔滨商业机械总厂的营销战略,提出了当今国内一些食品机械企业的营销特点。

    The paper exerted developing strategy and marketing mix theory to in-depth analyze marketing strategy of the factory , put forward marketing characteristics of domestic food machine enterprise . The paper 's form is case .

  17. 文章首先简单梳理了企业核心竞争力理论和企业发展战略理论,接下来深入分析了云岭路桥的经营现状,包括该路桥公司概况、经营环境和内部业务。

    Article first briefly reviews the theory of core competence and business development strategy theory , the next in-depth analysis of the operating status of Yunling Bridge , including the bridge company profile , business environment and internal operations .

  18. 这次战略转向是建国以来区域发展战略理论与实践发展的必然结果,这一新战略具有以区域协调发展为战略目标,以区域协调机制的构建作为区域协调发展的战略重点等新的内涵。

    This turnabout is the logical result of the development of the theory and practice of the regional development strategy since 1949.This new strategy is rich in new ideas and will push China 's regional development strategy forward to a new stage .

  19. 其次,是理论基础的确立。论文选取了区域经济发展战略理论、区域产业集聚理论、园区经济理论和区域系统优化理论作为理论分析的基石,并对这些理论的各种观点进行了梳理和对比分析。

    Secondly , it selected the regional economic development strategy theory , the regional industrial cluster theory , the zone economic theory and regional system optimization theory as the cornerstone of theoretical analysis based on the research of domestic and oversea papers .

  20. 对俄罗斯对外贸易发展战略的理论思考

    Some Theoretical Considerations on Russia 's Foreign Trade Development Strategy

  21. 实践三个代表思想建设河北先进文化(下)&关于河北省文化发展战略的理论思考

    To Practice the Three Represents Important Thought and Build Hebei Advance Culture

  22. 论地区经济发展战略的理论和方法

    On the Strategic Theory and Method of Regional Economic Development

  23. 贸易发展战略的理论综述&对俄罗斯贸易战略分析

    Theoretical Overview on Trade Development Strategy : An Analysis of Russian Trade Strategy

  24. 第二部分介绍了县域相关理论问题、发展战略相关理论。

    The second section describes the county theoretical issues and the development of strategic theory .

  25. 我国新人口革命的发展战略及理论思考

    Pondering over China 's New Population Revolution : The Strategy and Theory of its Development

  26. 论新人口革命&未来我国人口发展战略及其理论思考略论中国的人口与经济发展战略问题

    ON NEW POPULATION REVOLUTION ; Discussion about the population and economy development strategic problem in China

  27. 建设体育强省与区域体育协调发展战略的理论思考&广东省体育现状与发展展望

    A Theoretical Reflection on the Construction of a Strong Province and Regional Harmonious Development Strategy in Physical Education

  28. 最后,本文还对地方性网络媒体的发展战略的理论研究进行了展望。

    Finally , the paper also the development of local online media strategy for the theory were discussed .

  29. 第二章介绍了创新公司企业战略和现有的人力资源状况,阐述了创新公司产品发展战略的理论基础以及创新公司在发展汽车零部件产品和开发其它行业产品的选择原则和方法;

    The second section introduces the development strategy of Dalian Innovation Company and analyses the current condition of human resource .

  30. 都市圈交通发展战略规划理论及应用研究&以南京都市圈交通发展战略规划为例

    Theoretical and Applied Research on Transportation Development Strategy in Metropolitan Coordinating Region : A Case Study of Nanjing Metropolitan Coordinating Region