
ɡǔ diǎn yì shù
  • classical art
  1. 风骨:古典艺术的美学风范

    Grace - and - Vigor : Aesthetic Model of Classical Art

  2. 中国古典艺术精神新探

    A New Probe into the Spirit of Chinese Classical Art

  3. 中国古典艺术散文意境的传译

    The Translation of Artistic Conception in Classical Chinese Artistic Essays

  4. 中国古典艺术精神的形成

    The Formation of the Classical Artistic Spirit in China

  5. 以古典艺术和文学传统为特点。

    Characteristic of the classical artistic and literary traditions .

  6. 我喜欢现代绘画,但那古典艺术展则令我厌烦。

    I liked the contemporary paintings but the classical art display bored me .

  7. 中西古典艺术意图模式之比较

    A comparison of intention model of Chinese classic art and western classic art

  8. 他们根据古典艺术建立他们的原则。

    They founded their principles on classic art .

  9. 插花日本编排花枝的古典艺术。

    Ikebana : Japanese art of flower arranging .

  10. 意象思维是中国古典艺术形式的审美根源和中心。

    The imagery thoughts is the aesthetic source and center of Chinese ancient art forms .

  11. 第三部分……adj.古代的他的确喜爱古典艺术远超过现代艺术。

    Part 3 ...... antique He really likes antique art much more than modern art .

  12. 社会教育〔香港中学会考〕国际古典艺术考古学协会

    Social Studies [ Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination ] International Association for Classical Archaeology

  13. 论中国古典艺术的形式美&以书、画、诗为例

    On Formal Beauty of Chinese Classical Arts

  14. 他把玫瑰花的插枝种在花盆内。插花日本编排花枝的古典艺术。

    He potted up the rose cuttings . Ikebana : Japanese art of flower arranging .

  15. 中国古典艺术中的自由意识

    Freedom consciousness in Chinese classical art

  16. 无与伦比的古典艺术和现代理念相结合,为您创造最佳服务。

    Unparalleled in modern art and classical philosophy combined to create the best service for you .

  17. 老庄朴的思想与古典艺术创作朴拙美

    The Thought of Pu in Lao Zhuang and the Austere Beauty Of Chinese Classical Artistic Composition

  18. 古典艺术的现代展现

    Classical Art in Modern Times

  19. 但科学的发展使希腊美术描绘了三度空间,成为了古典艺术的起源。

    Scientific development made Greece painting three-dimensional space , and so became the origin of classical art .

  20. 中国古典艺术散文英译最大的困难就是其意境的传达。

    The biggest obstacle in translating classical Chinese artistic essays is the translation of the artistic conception .

  21. 每年,全世界数百万人在博物馆观赏古典艺术作品。

    Millions of people every year view classic works of art in museums all over the world .

  22. 本文通过对中国古典艺术审美特征的分析,发掘积淀于中国古典艺术中的自由意义。

    The article shows the freedom consciousness by making an analysis of aesthetic features of Chinese classical art .

  23. 如果您对古典艺术感兴趣,卢浮宫是一个您不容错过的景点。

    If you 're interested in ancient art , the Louvre is a must see attraction for you .

  24. 演出的声乐作品包括中外民歌、古典艺术歌曲、音乐剧及经典流行曲等。

    Works performed include Chinese and foreign folk songs , classical vocal pieces , musicals and pop songs .

  25. 儒家思想及道家思想对中国古典艺术的审美观念产生了深远的影响。

    The Confucianist and Taoist concepts have a great influence on the aesthetic standard of the Chinese classical art .

  26. 中国和西方的古典艺术都讲究和谐之美,只是侧重点有所不同。

    Both Chinese and western classical arts paid great attention to harmonious beauty , however , on different points .

  27. 潘杰客:你是否认为现代的人们对古典艺术的兴趣减弱了?

    Jack Pan : But do you think that people in modern times have less interest in classical art ?

  28. 欧洲的古典艺术的审美是很有意思的,选择这个是对曾经爱好的一种弥补。

    Classical European art has interesting aesthetics , and choosing this was homage to a previous hobby of mine .

  29. 中西方古典艺术的美学神韵向来不同,这种差别在古典园林美学中也可见一斑。

    There are much different in the esthetic verve between Chinese classical artistic and the Occident 's all along .

  30. 西方古典艺术主要源自于希腊文明,而希腊文明与爱琴文明具有密切关联性。

    Western classic art mainly comes from Greek civilization , and Greek civilization has a close relationship with Aegean Civilization .