
  • 网络Archaic;the Archaic Period
  1. 为了对这段较早的古风时期做一个具体的说明,我们可以举在提洛岛上所发现的那座粗糟的阿耳特密斯像为例。

    As an illustration of this early archaic period we may take the very crude statue of Artemis , discovered at Delos .

  2. 古风时期希腊陆上战争的若干问题

    Issues of Archaic Greek Land War

  3. 第一部分描述了希腊古风时期的民事程序法。

    The first section describes the ancient Greek procedural law in the archaistic period .

  4. 但是由于这一时段处于早期希腊的古风时期,囿于文献和可靠史料的缺乏,因此国内学者对于东方化时代的专门性研究很少,只是在一些文化史和艺术史方面的著作中略微提及。

    But on account of this period lies in the Archaic age of early Greece , the lack of the document and dependable materials , so the domestic scholars have less specially researched and it was only mentioned in the book about the history of culture or art .