
jù fǎ xué
  • syntax
  1. 功能句法学中的移情原则及其认知解释

    The Principles of Empathy in Functional Syntax and Their Cognitive Explanation

  2. 非宾格假说一直以来都是句法学界研究和讨论的热点。

    Unaccusative Hypothesis has always been a hot issue in syntax studies .

  3. 目的探讨去除生长因素Activator的骨骼矫形效果和机理。功能句法学(上)

    Objective To discuss the effects and mechanisms of activator functional orthopedic treatment .

  4. 根据句法学的理论,分析CET四级统考听力试题中的理解障碍,探讨各种句法结构表达的会话含义,从而提高学生听力理解能力,并促进大学英语听力教学。

    This essay briefly analyses the obstacles in listening comprehension test paper of CET Band Four with view of syntax and conversational implicate , in order to improve the students ' abilities in listening comprehension , as well as to promote the listening teaching of college English .

  5. 本文利用Malliavin分析的方法研究了关于Poisson随机测度的随机微分方程解的密度的存在性,并在非退化的条件下给出了解密度的光滑性及其估计.功能句法学(上)

    In this paper , we use Malliavin calculus to show that the laws of Poisson functional and the solution of stochastic differential equation driven a compensated Poisson measure admit smooth densities and to give estimations for these densities under some non-degeneracy assumptions .

  6. 本门课讨论的几个重要主题包括:句法学;

    Topics to be covered include : syntax ; sentence comprehension ;

  7. 关于句法学、语义学和语用学三角关系的思考

    On the Relationships Between Syntax , Semantics and Pragmatics

  8. 功能蛋白质组学功能句法学(上)侧链含酞菁铜功能基的聚苯胺的制备与性能研究

    Synthesis and Properties of Polyaniline Attached to Cu-Phthalocyanine Functional Group in Side Chain

  9. 句法学构词法即复合法。

    Sentence legal science word formation namely compound method .

  10. 翻译句法学的一个理论框架

    A Tentative Framework of Syntax in Translation & Interpretation

  11. 对系词Be的句法学研究系词呈现的跨语言及心理现实性分析

    On the Account of Occurance of Copula from Perspectives of Psychological Reality and Cross-language

  12. 认知句法学的研究原则、目标和方法

    Principles , Goal and Methodology of Cognitive Syntax

  13. 句法学视角中的语码转换研究

    Structural Dimensions of Code - switching Research

  14. 原则与参数理论的科学论述&《当代句法学导论》评介

    Scientific elaboration on theory of principle and parameter & Commentary on Introduction to Contemporary syntax

  15. 但他们注意到,许多语言现象既不能为句法学、也不能为语义学所解释。

    But they noticed many language appearances could be explained neither by syntax nor by semantics .

  16. 关于生成语法理论的全面系统论述&评梅德明教授的《现代句法学》

    A Comprehensive Introduction to the Generative Grammar & On Modern Syntax by Professor Mei De-ming ;

  17. 句法学是语言学研究的核心分支之一。

    It is true that syntax is one of the core branches in the study of linguistics .

  18. 词汇句法学的显著特征是:词库的词条包含了丰富的句法信息,句法构造由此投射而来。

    This is primarily because syntactic information is abundant in the lexicon resorted , to lexical entry .

  19. 题元实际在古代句法学和语义学研讨中有着相当重要的位置和影响。

    Topic yuan theory in modern sentence semantic study of law and is quite important status and influence .

  20. 句法学研究词是如何被组成句子的,以及支配句子构成的规则。

    Syntax studies how words are combined to form sentences and the rules that govern the formation of sentences .

  21. 本文系作者对其创立的汉语韵律句法学这一新的语言学分支学科的概括性探讨。

    This essay gives a synthetic exploration to Chinese Rhyme Syntax , a new branch of linguistics founded by the author .

  22. 句法学和音系学研究语言的所有可能的表达结构,而词义学则注重于对可能表达的“意义”研究。

    While syntax and phonology study the structure of expressive possibilities in language , semantics studies the meaning that can be expressed .

  23. 他的研究兴趣主要是汉语句法学、汉语方言的理论分析、比较语法学。

    His research interests lie primarily in Chinese syntax , theoretical approaches to the study of Chinese dialects , and comparative grammar .

  24. 论元结构是语言学研究的重要问题之一。论元结构是语义学和句法学研究的交叉领域,即语义和句法界面。

    Argument structure is one of very important issues in linguistics , since it is an interface issue which involves semantics and syntax intersection .

  25. 最初的研究是从语义学、修辞学和句法学等角度,继而发展到语用学中的指示语、言语行为、合作原则方面进行分析研究。

    The initial research was on semantics , rhetoric and syntax , then developed to the deixis , speech act , cooperation principle in pragmatics .

  26. 突出短语结构在句法学中的地位,从形式入手分析句法结构、划定句子成分;

    Second , the prominence of prase structure in the study of syntax for the analysis of sentence structure and classification of elements of the sentence ;

  27. 现代语言学包括三个组成部分:句法学或语法学、语义学、语用学,其中句法学是研究语言符号之间的结构关系。

    There are three parts in modern linguistics : syntax , semantics , and the syntax is the study of the relationship between the sign structure .

  28. 动词短语省略,作为一种省略现象,吸引了众多语言学家(尤其是句法学领域)的注意。

    Verbal phrase ellipsis ( VPE ), a phenomenon of ellipsis , has drawn many linguists ' attention , especially in the literature of generative grammar .

  29. 本文将认知心理学的范畴化类典型理论应用到语言学当中,对语言学中所涉及的句法学、词汇学、语用学和语义学的一些方面进行了阐述。

    This article brings the Prototype Theory of Categorization from cognitive psychology into linguistics to explain some aspects of syntax , lexicology , pragmatics , and semantics .

  30. 于是作者想利用该理论并结合其它学科,如语音学、词汇学、句法学以及社会语言学等,对语境进行动态的研究。

    In this thesis the author uses this theory , combining other linguistics ( such as phonology , syntax , semantics , etc ), to study context dynamically .