
kě zhī pèi shōu rù
  • disposable income;disposable personal income
可支配收入[kě zhī pèi shōu rù]
  1. 杰拉尔德的可支配收入很少。

    Gerald had little disposable income

  2. 她的三个外甥女出生时她都在现场,而且她承认她对她们及其溺爱。社会学家们用这个缩写词来反映目前无子女的职业女性人数不断上升这一现象,她们有足够的可支配收入和时间跟孩子们一起相处。

    She was present at the births of all her three nieces and admits she spoils them rotten . Sociologists coined the acronym to reflect the growing number of childless professional women who have plenty of disposable income and time to spend with youngsters .

  3. 进经济结构会有所支持。消费也需要继续增长。为保证经济高质量增长,可支配收入占GDP的比重以及新增就业数量也需要增加。”

    omy is driven by new points of growth rather than old ones , and an improving economic structure will support it . Consumption needs to keep rising . The percentage of disposable income in GDP and the number of new jobs created also need to rise to ensure high-quality growth . "

  4. 官方数据显示,上半年,全国居民人均可支配收入17642元,同比名义增长12.6%。扣除价格因素影响,实际增长12%。

    China 's per capita disposable income stood at 17642 yuan in the first half of the year , up 12.6 percent from the same period last year in nominal price factors , per capita disposable income rose 12 percent year on year .

  5. 分城乡看,城镇居民人均可支配收入24125元,同比名义增长11.4%,扣除价格因素,实际增长10.7%;农村居民人均可支配收入9248元,同比名义增长14.6%,扣除价格因素,实际增长14.1%。居民消费支出情况

    Separately , urban per capita disposable income came in at 24125 yuan , up 11.4 percent in nominal terms , and 10.7 percent in real terms , while income in rural areas stood at 9248 yuan , up 14.6 percent in nominal terms , and 14.1 percent in real terms .

  6. 不幸的是,家庭可支配收入还不到GDP的40%。

    Unfortunately , household disposable income is less than 40 per cent of GDP .

  7. 从图2中可以看到,城镇人均可支配收入与FDI利用效率并没有明显的规律性。FDI。

    Fig.2 The relationship between Urban per capita disposable income and FDI , GDP , FDI efficiency .

  8. 城镇居民可支配收入、房屋竣工面积、国内货币供给和GDP不是引起房价变动的主要因素。

    Furthermore , personal income , housing completion and M1 and GDP are not main factors causing the change of property price .

  9. 居民收入也有所增加,人均可支配收入同比增长6.8%,增速超过GDP。

    People 's income also grew , with per capita disposable income increasing by 6.8 percent year-on-year , outpacing the growth in GDP .

  10. 咨询机构凯投宏观(CapitalEconomics)的一份最新报告指出,即便美国企业界只派发10%的现金储备,也有望将年度可支配收入增加近2%。

    Even if firms only paid out a modest 10 % of their liquid assets , it could raise annual disposable income by nearly 2 % , according to a new report by capital economics .

  11. VaR(风险值)模型分析说明,支出增长预期对未来消费变化的影响仅次于可支配收入因素,但要强于预防性动机对消费的影响。

    The VAR model illustrates that the expectation of expenditure is only second to disposable income on consumption , but is superior to the precautionary motive .

  12. 在影响房地产价格的诸多因素中,目前已经数量化的因素是货币供应量M2和城镇居民人均可支配收入。

    Within the elements that affect the real estate price , the money supply M2 and per capita disposable income in urban residents have been quantified .

  13. 衡量我国东西部地区之间经济发展差距拉大的指标主要有三个:一是人均GDP;二是人均可支配收入;

    There are three elements to evaluate the increasingly bigger differences of the economic development between the east and west China : average GDP , average personal income , average consuming level .

  14. 而影响有效需求的主要动力因素是GDP、城镇居民可支配收入与储蓄、城镇人口、税率、利率、价格预期。

    The most important factor is effective demand which is determined by GDP , disposable income and deposit of townspeople , urban population , tax rate , interest rate , price expectation .

  15. 本文通过建立VAR模型,通过脉冲响应函数与方差分解的方法,研究了GDP与居民可支配收入变化冲击对房地产价格的动态影响。

    Basing on the VAR model , we use the impulse response function and variance decomposition method to analyzed the dynamic effect of the change of GDP and income on the housing price .

  16. 相关性分析结果显示因子绝大部分均呈相关性,人口数的相关性在增强,GDP、人均可支配收入相关性一直较强,人均GDP的相关性较弱。

    Correlation analysis results show that the factor most showed a correlation , correlation between population increased , GDP , per capita disposable income per capita GDP has strong correlation , correlation is not obvious .

  17. 并以改革开放以来,我国人均GDP和农村居民家庭人均纯收入、城镇居民家庭人均可支配收入的相关性为依据建立模型,预测了全面小康时期城乡收入差距的大小,并对其进行了分析。

    This paper forecasts and analyzes the gap of per capita annual income between urban and rural households in comprehensive well-off terms , according to the relativity between per capita GDP and that since reform and opening .

  18. 方法:收集1990-2003年国内生产总值(GDP),卫生总费用(THE)和城镇职工可支配收入的增长情况并进行比较。结果:卫生总费用增长速度过快,年平均增长率达12.6%;

    Methods : Collecting and comparing the increasing of GDP , total health expenditure with employee 's income in 1990-2003 . Results : The increasing speed of THE is too fast with a rate 12.6 % per year ;

  19. IDC认为,中国人可支配收入的增加导致了消费的增加,从而推动了国内手机市场的快速增长。

    IDC believes that the rising disposable income of Chinese people has resulted in greater consumption , which contributed to the rapid growth of the domestic smartphone market .

  20. AC尼尔森集团欧洲区总监帕特里克多德说:30岁至40岁之间的消费者对护肤很感兴趣,在这个年龄段,他们有更多的可支配收入花在高级美容产品上。

    Consumers tend to take a vested interest in their skincare regime in their 30s and 40s and at this life stage have more disposable income to invest in beauty extras , Patrick Dodd , president of AC Nielsen Europe said .

  21. 当然,美国可能认为在海外推出更廉价的iPhone手机是在贬低一个高档品牌的价值,但鉴于中国的人均可支配收入水平,这仍然是一笔巨大的开支。

    Sure , a cheaper iPhone abroad could be perceived by the U.S. as downplaying a premium brand , but to many Chinese , it would still be a hefty chunk of their disposable income .

  22. 除了这类“被动”的资产增值抵押贷款(equitywithdrawal)外,美国人利用房产以外的东西积极获得资金的程度相对较低,不过也占到近6%的可支配收入(再次参见上图)。

    Exclude this type of " passive " equity withdrawal , and the pace at which Americans have been actively taking money out of their houses is lower , close to6 % of disposable income ( again , see chart ) .

  23. 通过建立VEC模型,进行脉冲响应检验了房地产价格和交易量对城镇居民家庭人均可支配收入、利率和城镇人口数量的变化冲击的敏感度。

    Through the establishment of the VEC model and impulse response it tests the sensitivity of real estate prices and trading volume to the demand shocks .

  24. 继而以泡沫度为被解释变量,选择GDP增长率、人均可支配收入增长率等八个指标作为解释变量构建泡沫度影响因素模型。

    And then with the bubble degrees as the dependent variable , we choose GDP growth rate , per-capita disposable income growth rate and the other six indexes as the independent variables to construct the bubble degrees model of influence factors .

  25. 虽然当地人抱怨生活成本上升,但澳大利亚家庭平均拿出19%的可支配收入用于维持必要的生活开支,这一比例低于OECD调查显示的21%的平均水平。

    While locals complain of living costs , Australian households on average spend 19 % of their disposable income on keeping a roof over their heads , below the OECD 's average of 21 % .

  26. 根据灰色关联分析发现,约束民族地区产业结构演进的主要因素是城镇人均可支配收入,其次是人均社会固定资产投资总额、人均社会消费品零售总额与人均GDP。

    According to the gray relational analysis , the main factors constraint the industrial structure development is the evolution of urban per capita disposable income , followed by the total social fixed assets investment per capita , per capita retail sales and per capita GDP .

  27. 里昂证券(CLSA)预计,到2016年,那些可支配收入超过3000美元一年的中产阶级人数将占总人口的30%,两倍于2010年的水平。

    CLSA expects the middle class – those with more than $ 3,000 a year in disposable income – to make up about 30 per cent of the population by 2016 , double 2010 levels .

  28. 美国电影院线运营商AMCEntertainmentHoldingsInc.的首席执行长洛佩兹(GerryLopez)说,我们的业务依赖于消费者的可支配收入,萎缩的就业群体和停滞不前的个人收入并不预示前景向好。

    Our business depends on discretionary consumer dollars , and a shrinking employment base and stagnant personal income are not the kind of foundation that bodes well for the future , ' says Gerry Lopez , CEO of AMC Entertainment Holdings Inc. , the movie-theater company .

  29. 据这份报告显示,2015年,中国人均可支配收入增长了7.4%,比往年的增长幅度都要高。但是,中国的收入分配制度仍然面临挑战,例如居民收入占GDP份额较低、劳动报酬占初次分配的比例较低。

    According to the report , per capita disposable income in China increased by 7.4 percent in 2015 , higher than increases in previous years . However , the income distribution system still faces challenges , as represented by the low proportion of residents ' income to GDP , and of labor remuneration to primary distribution .

  30. Macke说,这里说的是许多可支配收入,尿布以及一切与孩子有关的事物都是发展经济的印钞机。

    You 're talking about a lot of disposable income . Diapers , anything related to a baby is just a money printing machine for the economy , Macke says .