
shānɡ yè huì lù xínɡ wéi
  • commercial bribery
  1. 商业贿赂行为是不正当竞争行为的一种。

    Commercial bribery act is an act of unfair competition .

  2. 我国企业在海外存在着严重的跨国商业贿赂行为。

    Chinese overseas enterprises provided a great deal of transnational commercial bribery .

  3. 卫生部要求各大医院对商业贿赂行为先自查

    The Health Department asked all the hospitals to carry out a self-inspection on business briberies .

  4. 可见商业贿赂行为严重干扰了正常竞争秩序,是一种典型的不正当竞争行为。

    So the commercial bribe interferes the normal competition seriously .

  5. 论商业贿赂行为及其法律防范

    A Study on Commercial Bribery Conduct and Legislation Precaution

  6. 试论商业贿赂行为的立法规范

    On the Legislative Regulation of Commercial Bribery Act

  7. 浅析商业贿赂行为斡旋受贿问题研究

    On Business Bribery On Mediate Acceptance of Bribes

  8. 不少商业贿赂行为超出一般违法的界线,构成了犯罪。

    Beyond the boundary of the law in general , many business briberies constitutes crimes .

  9. 在执法层面,笔者主张设置治理商业贿赂行为的专门机构。

    In terms of law enforcement , the author advocates setting governance commercial bribery special organization .

  10. 论市场竞争中的商业贿赂行为

    Commercial Bribe in the Market Competition

  11. 商业贿赂行为的法学思考

    Legal Reflections of Commercial Bribe Practicing

  12. 商业贿赂行为法律研究

    Legal Studies on Commercial Bribery

  13. 这种国际商事交易中的商业贿赂行为,被称之为海外腐败、海外贿赂或者是跨国商业贿赂。

    Such kind of commercial bribery has been called foreign corruption , foreign bribery or transnational commercial bribery .

  14. 第四部分是对商业贿赂行为的产生原因的剖析,包括社会根源和个人原因。前者主要有新旧体制转换过程中的矛盾;

    The fourth part discusses the causes of the business behavior , including social sources and personal reasons .

  15. 因此,必须切实采取有效措施,加强对商业贿赂行为的惩治力度。

    Therefore , valid measures should be taken to strengthen the punishment and cure of the business bribery behavior .

  16. 商业贿赂行为已经成为孳生贪污、受贿等经济犯罪的温床。

    The commercial bribe behavior already became breeds economic crimes the and so on the embezzlement , bribe hotbed .

  17. 第二部分主要从两个方面对商业贿赂行为的基本内容进行了阐述。

    And developed hidden rules of commercial bribery The second part mainly analyzed from two aspects about commercial bribery .

  18. 监管并不直接对商业贿赂行为产生威慑,它只决定惩罚的确定性或可能性。

    The supervision do not bring deterrent directly , it affects the certainty and possibility of the punishment only .

  19. 但迄今为止未有系统完善的法律对涉外商业贿赂行为进行有效规制。

    So far there is no perfect legal system to effectively regulate commercial bribe crime concerning foreign affairs in China .

  20. 社会组织商业贿赂行为的特点、原因及其控制&以越轨社会学理论为分析视角

    The Characteristics , Causes and Control of Business Bribe by Social Organizations & From Perspective of Theory of Deviation Sociology

  21. 并且就算政府实施最优监管力度,也不能彻底杜绝商业贿赂行为。

    And it still cannot completely eliminate the commercial bribery even if the regulators always monitoring in the best way .

  22. 本文通过界定区分商业贿赂行为与商业贿赂犯罪进而对医药行业商业贿赂犯罪进行界定。

    In this article , through defining difference between commercial bribery and commercial bribe crime and commercial bribery in medical industry .

  23. 商业贿赂行为在世界各国普遍存在,也是许多国家的竞争法所禁止的不正当竞争行为。

    Commercial bribery is an unfair competitive behavior that exists generally but is prohibited by the Competition Law of many countries .

  24. 第四部分介绍了国际社会针对跨国公司商业贿赂行为法律规制的多边合作。

    The forth part introduces the multilateral cooperation of international society on the legal regulation of commercial bribery of transnational corporation .

  25. 商业贿赂行为扰乱了市场经济秩序,破坏了公平竞争环境,桎梏了市场健康发展。

    Commercial bribe disturbs the order of market economy , destroys the fair competition atmosphere , and hinders the healthy development of market economy .

  26. 商业贿赂行为,是商主体(经营者)借用贿赂手段促成交易或在交易中排挤同行业竞争者,取得竞争优势的违法行为。

    Commercial briberies are delinquent behaviors which are used to conclude the transaction or crowd out competitors in the same industry by business subjects .

  27. 跨国公司等主体在世界市场的竞争中大量进行商业贿赂行为以获得竞争优势,以致于严重破坏国际市场的公平竞争秩序。

    Multinational corporations gained competitive advantages by commercial bribery in the world market , which seriously damaged the fair competition order around the world .

  28. 工商行政管理机关在监督检查商业贿赂行为时,可以对行贿行为和受贿行为一并予以调查处理。

    The administrative departments for Industry and Commerce may , when supervising and inspecting commercial bribery , investigate and handle briberies and corruptions as a whole .

  29. 跨国公司的商业贿赂行为固然应该得到指责,然而更值得反思的是我们的商业环境。

    While the multinational companies should be blamed for their commercial bribery , however , what is more worthy of reflection is China 's business environment .

  30. 那么,如何有效的防范和治理商业贿赂行为,已经成为国家现实亟需解决的一个重要课题。

    So , how to effectively prevent and control the acts of commercial bribery has become a national reality in dire need of an important subject .