
  • 网络Trademark Licensing
  1. 注册商标使用许可情形下的侵权问题

    Problems of infringement under the permission of the use of the registered trade marks

  2. 它还缩短了与汤姆逊签署的20年商标使用许可协议,并缩小了两家公司间转包协议的规模。

    It has also cut short a 20-year licence agreement with Thomson and scaled back a subcontracting agreement with the French company .

  3. 商标使用许可合同未在商标局备案的,不得对抗善意第三人。

    Where the trademark license contract fails to filed with the Trademark Office for the record , the said contract shall not be used against any bona fide third party .

  4. 一个专利或商标使用许可有效期由双方商定,但不能超过专利或商标使用许可保护剩余的时间。

    The validity term of a patent or trademark license is agreed to by the parties , but cannot exceed the remaining duration of protection of the patent or trademark license .

  5. 5.许可证申请尊敬的派乐集团总裁:本人,李敏,特此郑重申请贵公司商标使用许可证,因此我位于武汉市莲湖路18号的店面便可以获准使用“派乐”商标。

    Dear President of Pala , I , Li Min , do hereby apply for a license to show the trademark of your corporation , " Pala , " at my place of business situated at 18 Lotus Lake Road , in Wuhan .

  6. 从商标使用许可合同效力、合同双方的利益、市场监管部门等方面阐述了吉林省商标使用许可存在的问题,从立法上、商标法宣传上、监督管理上提出了应采取的对策。

    The problems existing in the trademark permission of Jilin province have been elaborated from such aspects as trademark using permission contract potency , both sides benefit of contract and market supervising and managing department . The countermeasures have been proposed from legislation , trademark propaganda and surveillance and management .

  7. 商标注册人可以通过签订商标使用许可合同,许可他人使用其注册商标。

    Any trademark registrant may , by signing a trademark license contract , authorize other persons to use his registered trademark .

  8. 商标平行进口是指在国际贸易中,进口商未经本国商标所有权人及商标使用权人许可,从境外进口经合法授权生产的带相同商标的同类商品的行为。

    Parallel import of trademark is , in international trade , a practice of importing of the same kind of legal products bearing the same trademark without permission from the owner and user of the same trademark in his own country .