
  • 网络tai;iat;International atomic time
  1. 国际原子时进展中的原子钟

    Atomic clocks in the progress of International Atomic Time

  2. 概述了传统原子频标的现状,以及新型原子频标和国际原子时的研究进展。

    The status of traditional atomic frequency standards and research progress of new atomic frequency standards , as well as new horizontal of international atomic time ( TAI ) are described .

  3. 1991年3月起,BIPM已正式用于国际原子时TAI的计算中。

    Since the beginning of 1991 , BIPM have been using our comparing results for the computation of TAI .

  4. 对国际原子时(TAI),地球力学时(TDT)和质心力学时(TDB)的定义和概念作了回顾和阐述。对其中一些有争议的问题进行了介绍和讨论。

    This paper reviews the definition and conception of TAI , TDT and TDB , introduces and discusses some problems which are disputed recently among astronomers and physicists .

  5. 1984年他首次到国际原子能总署服务时,担任秘书处高级专员一职。

    He first came to the IAEA in1984as a senior member of the secretariat .