
  • 网络geological reserves;ooip;OGIP;original oil in place
  1. 新庄油田是近两年河南油田新增探明石油地质储量的主要探区。

    Xinzhuang Oilfield is a key exploration area with newly proved OOIP in Henan Oilfield .

  2. 原始含油饱和度是影响地质储量可靠性的重要因素之一。

    The initial oil saturation is one of the important factors that can affect the reliability of original oil in place .

  3. 陆2块V砂组气藏是目前陆良气田最大的一个气藏,占气田总地质储量的71。

    V sandstone zone gas reservoir of block Lu-2 is the biggest gas reservoir in Luniang gas field , its gas reserve is71 .

  4. 预计可增加探明天然气地质储量1×108m3。

    It is forecasted that the proved natural gas geological reserves will be enhanced by 1 × 108m3 .

  5. 赵县青斜是冀中地区新近发现的含油构造,其构植面积70km2,探明原油地质储量1300×104t。

    The Zhaoxian anticline is a new oil-bearing structure discovered in 1998 , with 1300 × 104t of oil reserv .

  6. 同时,利用水平井实现了油藏滚动扩边,增加地质储量221×104t。

    At the same time , the use of horizontal wells to achieve a reservoir rolling Extensions , increasing geological reserves 221 × 104t .

  7. 1998年,全国开展了三次采油潜力的二次评价工作,据初步统计,适合于注气(CO2)混相驱的地质储量在10.57×108t以上。

    China launched the evaluation in the second time on tertiary recovery potential in 1998.By statistics , the geological reserve suitable for gas injection ( CO 2 ) miscible flooding is over 10.57 × 10 8 tons .

  8. 中国的石油公司上市成功后,储量观念正在由地质储量向剩余经济可采储量转变,其中最重要的是强调经济因素对SEC储量评估的影响。

    Concept of reserves in China has been changing from geologic reserves to remaining economic recoverable reserves , which emphasize the influences of economic factors on evaluation of SEC reserves , since the successful public listing of Chinese oil companies in foreign stock market .

  9. JZ油气田为沙河街组砂岩油气藏,油田内部完钻探井8口,均获工业油气流,形成了一定的油气地质储量。

    JZ Shahejie oil and gas field is a sandstone reservoir , drilled 8 wells , industrial oil and gas flow were to form a certain amount of oil and gas geologic reserves .

  10. 由于压力的下降,导致异常高压在气藏开发过程中储层岩石呈现再压实特征,致使岩石的有效压缩系数发生变化,从而使物质平衡方程式中Ce发生改变,导致气藏地质储量计算不够准确。

    In the middle of development process of overpressured gas reservoir , drawdown can lead to reconsolidation characteristic of reservoir rock , change of effective compressibility C_p and C_e of material balance equation , thus lead to inaccuracy of initial gas in place ( IGIP ) in gas reservoir .

  11. 青海气区是我国陆上的大气区之一,现已累计探明天然气地质储量3046.57×108m3,可采储量1619.31×108m3。

    Qinghai gas region , whose total identified natural gas reserve is 3046.57 × 108m3 with 1619.31 × 108m3 recoverable , is one of the primary gas regions inland China .

  12. 在三叠盆地内已发现50多个油田和37个气田,石油地质储量达23×108t,天然气地质储量达4×1012m3。

    More then 50 oil fields and 37 gas fields have been discovered in the Triassic basin with 2.3 × 109t and 4 × 1012m3 of oil and gas reserves in-place respectively .

  13. 预计到2010年,鄂尔多斯盆地天然气探明地质储量将达到1.5×1012m3,形成180×108m3的天然气年生产能力。

    It was predicted that the proved gas reserves in place in E ' erduosi Basin will be up to 1.5 × 10 12 m 3 in 2010 and a yearly productive capacity of 18 × 10 9m 3 will be formed .

  14. 现已发现6个气田(藏)、15个含气构造,天然气地质储量近1500×108m3,已成为川西地区目前最重要的勘探层系。

    Currently , in the Jurassic in the region , 6 gas fields ( reservoirs ) and 15 gas bearing structures have been found and gas in place is near 1 500 × 10 8m 3.It has become the most important exploration strata in West Sichuan at present .

  15. 渤海湾盆地截止20世纪末已发现气田111个,探明气层天然气地质储量2716.98×108m3,按其成因分为下第三系烃源气和石炭&二叠系煤成气2种。

    111 gas field have been found in Bohai Bay basin by the end of the twentieth century , Original natural gas reserves have been known to be 2 716.98 × 10 ~ 8 m ~ 3 , and is divided into petroliferous gas and Coal-derived gas according different origin .

  16. 探明地质储量经济极限的预测研究

    Prediction of the economic limit of proved reserve in petroleum exploration

  17. 利用泛克里金技术估算油气地质储量

    Estimating Geological Reserve of Oil and Gas by Universal Kriging Technique

  18. 地质储量管理系统中数据格式转换的方法与实现

    Method and Implementation of Data Conversion in Geological Reserves Management System

  19. 确定定容封闭气田地质储量的诺模图

    The nomograph for determining gas in place in a closed gas field

  20. 基于椭球体法的水平井地质储量计算

    Calculation of the geological reserves of horizontal wells based on ellipsoid Method

  21. 蒸汽吞吐稠油油藏动态石油地质储量计算方法初探

    Calculating Method of Dynamic Reserve of Heavy Oil Reservoir with Steam Soaking

  22. 新疆含油气亚区非生物成因天然气远景地质储量估算及寻找大油气田方向的探讨

    Abiogenic gas in Xinjiang oil and gas area and its resource estimation

  23. 稠油油藏的动态地质储量计算方法

    A calculating method of dynamic OOIP for viscous oil reservoirs

  24. 地质储量计算区块面积确定方法研究

    Research of the calculating method of geologic reserves and defining block area

  25. 为揭示油气形成机理、地质储量及其分布,必须查明油气藏地质特征在地史过程中的演变情况,孔隙度是这一地质过程中的重要参数,也是地史研究的主要内容。

    Porosity is the major parameter in the changing course of geological characters .

  26. 异常高压气藏地质储量计算新方法

    A new method for the reserves calculation in abnormal high pressure gas reservoir

  27. 深层凝析气藏单井控制地质储量下限研究

    A study of single well-controlled economic limit reserves of deep condensate gas reservoir

  28. 关于油气地质储量费用进成本问题的思考

    Consideration on the Problem of Oil and Gas Geologic Reserve Expense into Cost

  29. 敖南油田地质储量大,动用程度较低。

    The geological reserve is large , and its producing degree is low .

  30. 利用测井资料计算非均质砾岩油藏单井控制地质储量

    Computation for Single Well Controlled Geological Reserves of Heterogeneous Conglomerate Reservoir with Logging Data