
  • 网络sea;Uncharted Waters;GVO;Age Of Wind;TRADEWINDS
  1. 大航海时代的西欧造船和航海术

    Ship Making and Sailing Technique of Western Europe in the Big Maritime Navigation Era

  2. 海盗&大航海时代的传奇

    Pirates : Legends of the Nautical Age

  3. 这是魔幻的大航海时代,而这个时代注定只属于&霍斯。

    This is the magic of great sailing ships era , an era destined to only belongs-Hawes .

  4. 郑和下西洋同西方的探险家几乎同处近代世界大航海时代,面临共同的历史机遇。

    Zheng He 's Expedition and western explorer nearly in the same time which was the Modern Navigation Times , they faced to same opportunity .

  5. 从15世纪开始,在地球的另一端,西欧各国进入到大航海时代,也就是我们常说的、人们也称之为地理大发现时代。

    Since the 15th century , the European countries experienced the " Age of Discovery " . That is what we often consider as geographical discovery .

  6. 提要:郑和下西洋与西方航海家开辟新航路,同为15~16世纪人类“大航海时代”最主要的事件。

    Zheng He 's voyage and westerners'opening up new routes , both as major events in the " Great Discovery " of the15th and16th centuries , had much in common .

  7. 大航海及其时代则可据其航海的特点分为近岸远洋航行、跨洋远洋航行、环球远洋航行和极地冰海远洋航行四个阶段。

    The great navigations and the ages can be divided into four stages according to the characteristics : offshore oceangoing voyage , ocean-crossing oceangoing voyage , global oceangoing voyage and polar ice oceangoing voyage .