
  • 网络media technology;mediating technology
  1. 视觉化传播是电子媒介技术发展的产物。

    Visualizing communication results from the development of electronic media technology .

  2. 论媒介技术对跨文化传播的影响

    The Impact of Media Technology on Cross - cultural Communication

  3. 建议来自英国媒介技术发展组织的JennyDean提供的信息。

    The advice comes from information written by Jenny Dean of the Intermediate Technology Development Group in Britain .

  4. 媒介技术总是不断改变新闻信息的传播方式。

    Media technology is always changing communication models of news and information .

  5. 从1970年至1985年,由于印刷媒介技术的迅速变革,整个报业经历了一段财政困难的时期;

    A period of financial difficulties ( 1970 - 1985 );

  6. 媒介技术的发展对我国电视节目形态的影响

    The Impact of Media Technology Development on TV Program Form in China

  7. 我们不能重蹈媒介技术决定论的覆辙。

    We can not repeat the mistakes of the media of technological determinism .

  8. 本文介绍数字化媒介技术解决方案。

    This paper introduces digitalized media technical solutions .

  9. 媒介技术的发展推动着社会的进步。

    The development of intermedium technology gives an impetus to the progress of our society .

  10. 分析了电视娱乐节目与电视媒介技术形态构建的相互关系。

    And it analyses the relationship between entertainment program and TV media technology pattern construction .

  11. 从媒介技术的变革看电视节目的编排方式

    TV Programming in the Change of Technology

  12. 从《超级女声》看电视媒介技术的发展趋势

    Survey the TV Media Technology Tendency Through the Entertainment TV Program " Super Girl "

  13. 在某种程度上,帕克也是媒介技术主义的先驱者。

    And to some certain extent , Park is also a pioneer in media technology doctrine .

  14. 媒介技术的发展为记者形象的改变提供了条件。

    The development of media technology provides the conditions for the change of image of journalist .

  15. 对媒介技术的应用开发能力;

    Their ability to apply media technology and ability to do exploitation work by using it ;

  16. 泛媒体时代出现的审美嬗变,与新媒介技术的影响紧密相关。

    The aesthetical transmutation of the pan-media era is closely associated with the new media technology .

  17. 此外,媒介技术也是娱乐幻象生成的重要因素。

    Besides , the media techniques play crucial roles in productions of the entertaining illusions of media .

  18. 随着高级媒介技术的发展,世界似乎变的越来越小,越来越近。

    With the development of advanced media technology , the world seems to become smaller and closer .

  19. 本文想就数字化时代网络媒介技术对人类时空感知的影响展开探讨。

    I want to discuss the issue that the impact of digital media technology on space-time perception .

  20. 网络、计算机等新媒介技术的发展是即时交互得以产生的技术支持。

    Network , computer and other new media technology development is the real-time interaction to produce technical support .

  21. 数字化媒介技术解决方案

    Digitalized Media Technical Solutions

  22. 媒介技术的发展使得全球的国际传播活动步入了一个新的领域,然而新的问题也随之出现:种种原因都可能导致世界范围内的单一文化样式。

    International communication activities of the globe have stepped into a new stage with the development of media technologies .

  23. 实际上,研究媒介技术形态的演进,才是长线、整体把握媒介社会影响的方法。

    Actually , research on the evolution of media technology is the long-term method of grasping medias social effect fro .

  24. 媒介技术作为传播发展过程中最活跃的因素之一,愈发彰显出它的重要性。

    As the most active factor in the development of communication , media technology becomes more and more important today .

  25. 低压电力线作为通信媒介技术被广泛地研究,并已应用于集中抄表系统中。

    As a communication media technology , low-voltage power line has been widely studied and applied to automatic meter reading system .

  26. 随着媒介技术的发展,互联网被广泛应用,我们已经进入了新媒体时代。

    With the development of media technology , the Internet has been widely used . We have entered the new media age .

  27. 电子媒介技术的发展使人们置身于一个更加严密并且执行起来更加容易的监视体系之下。

    For the development of the electronic media places people under a surveillance system which is stricter and easier to carry out .

  28. 媒介技术的发展加速了文化全球化的流动趋势,并不可避免促成一个更具交流性的社会。

    The development of media technology to accelerate the current trend of cultural globalization and inevitably led to a more communicative society .

  29. 它的多义性使得它成为勾连当代新媒介技术、大众文化与媒介经济等多个领域的关键概念。

    Its polysemy makes it a key concept articulating different fields such as new media technology , popular culture and media economy .

  30. 而新媒介技术与互动等问题则更加突显了其沟通交流的重要作用。

    Furthermore , the problems such as the technology of new media and interaction and etc , make communication functions more important .