
wán quán tuì huǒ
  • complete annealing
  1. 试验结果表明H13钢在最佳完全退火温度、淬火温度、回火温度下可得到最优综合性能。

    The test results show that the surface of H13 steel can obtain the optimum performance at temperature of complete annealing , quenching and tempering .

  2. 在退火工艺方面,采用完全退火工艺,改善机械加工性能;

    In the aspects of anneal technology , we adopted complete annealing , which improved obviously the mechanical performance ;

  3. 对于低碳钢,得到的结构和性能与完全退火相同。

    For low-carbon steels , the resulting structure and properties are the same as those achieved by full annealing ;

  4. 当“退火”这个术语用于铁类合金而又无其他限制条件时,指的是完全退火。

    When the term " annealing " is applied to ferrous alloys without qualification , full annealing is implied .

  5. 这过程被称为完全退火,因为它去除了以前组织结构的所有痕迹、细化晶粒并软化金属。

    This process is known as full annealing because it wipes out all trace of previous structure , refines the crystalline structure , and softens the metal .

  6. 结果表明,混晶是由于组织遗传造成的,采用完全退火工艺取代调质处理前的正火工艺,使不平衡组织转变为平衡组织,可以隔断组织遗传,消除混晶。

    The results show that mixed grain is caused by structural inheritance , it can cut off structural inheritance and eliminate mixed grain to introduce full annealing instead of normalizing before quenching-and-tempering and obtain equilibrium microstructures in stead of non-equilibrium microstructures .

  7. 本区测试的各个样品的单颗粒年龄分布特征总体上集中程度不太好,分散性较强,反映这些样品可能均未经历125℃以上的完全退火;

    The general features of the single-grain age distributions for each sample tested in the research area include the bad concentrating extent and the strong decentralism , which shows that these samples have not been experienced the complete anneal above 125 ℃ .

  8. 11个样品锆石的1008cm~(-1)峰位值和它的半高宽落在放射破坏趋势上,我们认为早期继承的锆石在超高压变质过程中发生了完全退火和重结晶。

    The band of 1008cm ~ ( 1 - ) and its half-width of zircons of eleven samples displays the radiation damage trend ( RDT ), which we interpret that early inherited zircons had experienced complete annealing and recrystallization during the ultrahigh pressure metamorphism .

  9. 薄壁不锈钢件的深拉伸由于冷作硬化度很高,每次拉伸后必须进行完全退火后才能继续拉伸,减少拉伸次数至最少是降低成本,占领市场的关键。

    Because of the high manufacturing rigidification of deep stretching for the thin-wall stainless steel cylinder , the stretching process can 't continue without completely annealing after last stretching process . The key of reducing cost and occupying the market is to reduce the time of stretching .

  10. 而高住量辐照样品中观察到比双空位更复杂的缺陷形式,其完全被退火的温度比低剂量辐照的高250K。

    Thecomplete annealing temperature of the defects for low fluence irradiated GaP was250K lower than that for high fluence irradiated GaP .

  11. 本文论述了3003幕墙板采用不完全再结晶退火或冷轧变量来控制产品性能。

    It is introduced that imcomplete recrystallization annealing cold rolling ironing can be used to controll the properties of product for 3003 curtain wall plate in this paper .

  12. 高于此点,由于超过共析点钢完全由珠光体和退火状态的渗碳体组成,硬度增加并不多。

    Above this point the hardness can be increased only slightly , because steels above the eutectoid point are made up entirely of pearlite and cementite in the annealed state .

  13. 在退火温度为1150℃时,退火时间在12&20s之间,注入层损伤几乎完全恢复,在此退火期间增强扩散系数比前述退火过程中的低。

    Almost a " complete " annealing of displacement damage is obtained and the diffusion coefficient is less than that in above-mentioned conditions when the implanted samples are annealed at 1150 ℃ in the time ranging from 12 to 20s .