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  1. 家国情怀与民族凝聚力

    Native Land Emotion and National Cohesion

  2. 在为主事者分析利害之时,表现出充沛的情感和家国情怀。

    In the interest of those in charge of the analysis , showing plenty of emotion and national identity .

  3. 中华传统文化是增强民族凝聚力的宝贵资源,本文从中华缘文化入手,从五缘文化中的物缘文化、物缘情结、家国情怀入手,阐明了中华民族凝聚力独特的表现形式和超人的魅力。

    Traditional culture of China is invaluable resource for enhancing national cohesion . The unique form and fascination of Chinese national cohesion were clarified based on the five origin culture such as matter origin culture , matter origin complex and native land emotion .

  4. 第二部分则回归文本,结合心理分析、历史文化分析,通过文本细读法展示了作品中的男性和女性,使二者形成鲜明对照,凸显了男性的家国情怀、女性的情感迷恋。

    Part 2 returns to the text , links with psychoanalysis and historical and cultural analysis , depends on text perusing method to show male and female in works , making them two form fresh comparison and stand out male national and family feeling and female feeling infatuation .