
  • 网络Ieyasu;Tokugawa Ieyasu
  1. 今年6月,这家康卡斯特(Comcast)旗下的电视公司终止了与这位敢言的商人、真人电视节目明星的合作,并引述了他关于移民的“诽谤言论”。

    In June the Comcast-owned broadcaster cut ties with the outspoken businessman and reality television star , citing his " derogatory statements " about immigrants .

  2. 据悉苹果的谈判仅在一家康卡斯特(Comcast)受阻,但一名知情人士表示,虽然苹果未能从康卡斯特子公司NBC环球(NBCUniversal)获得内容播放权,但这不太可能阻止苹果在未来几个月推出新的服务。

    One holdout in Apple 's negotiations is said to be Comcast , but a person close to the situation said that failing to secure rights from its NBC Universal subsidiary would be unlikely to prevent a launch in the coming months , just as Apple 's iTunes has grown its catalogue over the years .