
  • 网络working responsibility
  1. 对问卷进行验证性因素分析,结果表明该问卷具有较好的构想效度。员工工作责任心问卷可以作为评价员工工作责任心的适宜工具。

    The employees ' working responsibility questionnaire can be a useful metrical tool .

  2. 企业员工工作责任心的理论构建及其与忠诚度的关系研究

    A Theory Construction for Employee 's Working Responsibility and the Study on the Relationship between It and Loyalty

  3. 出色的判断力、较强的工作责任心及独立工作能力;

    Excellent judgement ability , great job responsibility and self-help ability .

  4. 学生工作者工作责任心和工作方法的探讨

    A Pilot Study on Responsibility of a Supervisor and His Working Approaches

  5. 结果:有效增进了药学人员的工作责任心。

    RESUTLS : The personal responsibility has been effectively enhanced .

  6. 有强烈的工作责任心和团队合作精神,能承担较大的工作压力;

    Strong responsibility and excellent teamwork , organize and prioritize work under pressure ;

  7. 通过题目分析和多次探索性因素分析,最终得到了中小学教师工作责任心的四因素模型。

    Four-factor model is presented by the questions analysis and exploratory factor analysis .

  8. 具有较强的工作责任心和抗压能力。

    Strong work commitment and can work under pressure .

  9. 工作责任心强、有良好的沟通能力、较强的团队合作意识。

    And having high sense of responsibility and hard working for my job ;

  10. 工作责任心强,沟通能力好,上进心强,有团队合作精神;

    Has a strong sense of responsibility , good at communication and team work ;

  11. 有较强的组织和沟通能力,工作责任心强,能承受工作压力。

    Good communication and administration skills , high responsibility and can work under high pressure .

  12. 工作责任心强,条理性强;

    Hard work and organized ;

  13. 船长工作责任心测评

    Evaluation of Captain Job Responsibility

  14. 女性,性格稳重、细心,工作责任心强,善于沟通。

    Female , Stable , careful character , strong sense of responsibility , good interpersonal & communication skills .

  15. 潜水员的工作责任心与记忆广度测试成绩有显著相关,提示工作态度影响记忆这项需集中注意的作业;

    The work responsibility was markedly related to memory span score , indicating that work attitude influences the attention work .

  16. 良好的职业道德和高度的工作责任心对防范和减少护理医疗纠纷十分必要。

    Good professional ethics and a high degree of responsibility in preventing and reducing health care disputes is very necessary .

  17. 潜水员的心理素质特征主要由四部分组成,包括动作技能、学习能力、意志力和工作责任心;

    Diver performance ability is composed of four factors : action skill , learning ability , will power and work responsibility .

  18. 有强烈的集体荣誉感和工作责任心,坚持实事求事的原则。

    Have a strong collective sense of honor and work responsibility , adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts .

  19. 结果发生护理纠纷的主要原因是:护理人员服务意识、工作责任心不强和业务知识缺乏,患者的自我保护意识增强等4个方面。

    Results The main reasons for medical conflicts were nurses ' inadequate service , lack of job responsibility and technical knowledge .

  20. 结果:护理病案质量缺陷与工作责任心不强有关。

    And focus measures had been taken . Results : nursing records quality flaw related to poor responsibility of nursing staffs .

  21. 特殊技能:英文良好;办公软件应用良好;沟通能力强;工作责任心强;领导和管理水平良好。

    Special skills : spoken English with good command , communication skills , strong responsibilities , strong leadership and management skills .

  22. 在进行员工工作责任心水平的差异比较时,发现除从事工作时间和工作单位性质外,其它因素均不存在显著差异。

    There are not significant differences in age , degree , sex and major except the working years and the property of the company .

  23. 从员工工作责任心特点的研究表明:我国员工工作责任心基本在中等水平以上,属于正常范围。

    According to the employees ' working responsibility characters , the scores of the staff are above the middle level , which is normal .

  24. 诚实、正直、有强烈的使命感和工作责任心、良好的沟通能力与表达能力、有较好的理解能力及悟性。

    Honesty , integrity , strong sense of mission and sense of responsibility , good communication skills and ability , better understanding and savvy .

  25. 结论实施护理质量风险基金制度,加强护理人员工作责任心.减少患者不良事件发生,提高护理质量。

    Conclusion The nursing risk fund can encourage the nursing staff to reinforce their responsibility to reduce nursing risk and improve the nursing quality .

  26. 因此,各种原料的重量是否符合预先设定的比例在很大程度上取决于计量人员的技能和工作责任心。

    Therefore , the weight of each type of raw materials with predetermined ratio depended on the skills and responsibilities of workers to a large extent .

  27. 结果护士的工作责任心、法律意识增强,加强了护患沟通,保证了病人的知情权,有效减少护患纠纷的发生。

    Results This practice enforced nurses ' responsibility and legal awareness , strengthened nurse-patient communication , guaranteed patients ' informed right and reduced nursing disputes effectively .

  28. 设备管理是地震勘探生产中的重要环节,而设备操作人员的技术素质与工作责任心是设备管理工作的重中之重。

    The equipments management is important link in the production of seismic exploration and technical quality and work responsibility of operator are especially important in equipments management .

  29. 此方法更好地培养了手术室护士的管理能力,加强了手术室护士工作责任心,提高了工作效率,从而保证了护理质量。

    This management way also strengthened the nurses ' management ability and responsibilities , improved the working efficiency and ensured the quality of nursing in operating room .

  30. 教学有法而无定法,教师在教学过程中要提高教学质量,必须提高自己的业务素质,必须加强工作责任心,从提高学生学习数学的兴趣着手。

    Teaching is to adapt , not to adopt . Every teacher desires to improve teaching by bettering his career quality , sense of duty and motivating students .