
  1. 十六两的启示&从秤俗看市场交易原则

    The Enlightenment From " Sixteen Liangs " & to Consider the Principles of Market Trade by the Custom of Steelyard

  2. 消费者问题对社会生产、市场交易原则与市场规则、市场需求和市场调节机制等方面都具有极大的危害性。

    Consumer problem has great harmfulness to social production , rules of market trade , market demand , market regulating mechanism and so on .

  3. 进场费符合市场的交易原则和竞争原则,可以看作超市品牌的价格。

    The slotting fee accords with the trade principle and competition principle of market , and we can regard it as the price of supermarket brand .

  4. 青果物批发交易市场的法制建设、市场结构和交易原则;

    The legal system , market structure and trade principles for these fresh plant products are analyzed in detail .