
ɡuǎnɡ ɡào shè jì
  • advertising design
  1. 浅谈POP广告设计及立体构成的应用

    A Brief Discussion On the Application of Three-dimensional Composition in POP Advertising Design

  2. 苏州唐朝广告设计工作室是一家专业从事画册设计印刷、CI企划及展览设计搭建的苏州广告设计公司。

    Suzhou Tang advertising design studio is a professional album design printing , CI planning and exhibition design of structures in Suzhou advertising design company .

  3. POP广告设计课程中的定位研究

    Target Customers Study in a POP Ad Design Course

  4. 任何形式的广告设计都有策划,POP广告策划相对比较简单和随意,表现为及时性、便捷性、灵活性。

    Any form of advertisement has planning ; POP advertisement planning is relatively simple , optional , timely , convenient and flexible .

  5. 而这个广告设计理念凸显了ATT公司可以带领用户在因特网游览任何一个地方。

    The idea was to show that AT & T could take you anywhere on the Internet .

  6. 我们致力于企业形象策划、VI视觉导入、标志设计、画册设计、产品包装设计、广告设计、企业形象网站设计等服务。

    We are committed to corporate image planning , VI vision , logo design , pictorial design , packaging design , advertising design , corporate image website design services , etc.

  7. 对节庆期间POP广告设计的专题研究,为商家企业在商品日趋同质化的市场环境中进行有效的POP广告设计,制造独特卖点,迎合消费者消费心理提供有益启迪和重要参考。

    Therefore , the study on the POP advertisement design during the festival provides a beneficial enlightenment and important reference for the enterprises , who face market full of the homogenous products , to design the POP advertisement effectively .

  8. 服务项目包括连云港网站建设、网页设计、广告设计、平面设计、网站SEO优化、网站推广、域名注册、虚拟主机等。

    Services include Lianyungang , construction sites , web design , advertising design , graphic design , website SEO optimization , website promotion , domain name registration , web hosting .

  9. 我看到你赢了在汤普森的色拉料现场广告设计中得过Clio。

    And I see you won a Clio for the Thompson 's Salad Dressing spot .

  10. 通过对产品开发策划、广告设计策划、品牌设计策划、企业文化与CI策划等类别的系统研究,探讨设计策划的基本要素和理论方法。

    This part discusses the basic elements and principles of design planning , through the systematic researches in different categories , such as the design of products , of advertisements , of brands , and of corporation culture and Corporation Identity , etc.

  11. 随着社会的发展,剪纸已经发展成为一种民间工艺,在室内外装修、纺织品、服饰、广告设计、POP设计、包装设计、书籍装帧等领域被广泛应用。

    With the development of the society , paper cutting has come into a kind of folk art , and is being widely used in the area of decoration indoor and outdoor , textile products , the dress , advertisement designing , POP designing , package designing and book decoration .

  12. 计算机广告设计教学的现状及思考

    Current situation and thinking of advertisement design teaching of the computer

  13. 我国的招贴广告设计要挖掘本土、倡导原创。

    The design of advertisement should develop nativity and propose originality .

  14. 艺术形象在广告设计及策划中的意义

    The Significance of Artistic Image in the Advertisement Designing and Planning

  15. 论中国设计的再生性论广告设计属性的把握

    On the Reproduction of Chinese Design The Nature of Advertising Design

  16. 流行元素在平面广告设计中的应用研究

    " Popular Element " in Plane Advertisement Design Applied Research

  17. 创造性工作,比如广告设计很吸引我。

    Creative work , such as advertisement design , appeals to me .

  18. 世界平面广告设计精选&银行金融保险类

    Selection of International Graphic Design of Bank , Finance and Insurance Category

  19. 世界平面广告设计精选&商业公共服务类

    Selection of World Graphic Advertisement Design & Category of Commercial Public Service

  20. 高职院校广告设计专业师资问题的研究与对策

    Problem of Ad Design Qualifications in some Advanced Vocational College

  21. 招贴广告设计的原创性和本土性

    The originality and nativity of the design on pictorial advertisement

  22. 论平面广告设计中的产品氛围

    On the " Product Atmosphere " in Graphic Ad Design

  23. 论手势图形语言在广告设计中的运用

    On the Graphic Language of Gesture Used in Ad. Design

  24. 目前中国广告设计流行趋势析

    The Fashion of Chinese Advertising Design in the 21st Century

  25. 新媒体时代的广告设计教学改革研究

    The New Medium Times Advertising Design Educational Reform Studies

  26. 世界平面广告设计精选&药品及医疗保健品类

    Selection of World Graphic Advertisement Design & Category of Medicine and Health Care

  27. 专用汽车车身广告设计研究

    Research on Poster Design of Special purpose Vehicle Body

  28. 对广告设计教学与素质教育的探讨

    An Exploration of Teaching Advertising Design and Quality Education

  29. 平面广告设计的科学性与艺术性

    Scientific and Artistic Quality of Plane Design in Advertisement

  30. 高校广告设计专业中动漫课程设置与教学研究

    Advertising Animation Design College in Curriculum and Teaching Research