
yìnɡ yònɡ yǔ yán xué
  • applied linguistics
  1. 该校“作为外语的英语教学”有两个模块:即语言教学的原则与方法和应用语言学。

    The school offers two modules in Teaching English as a Foreign Language , viz . Principles and Methods of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics .

  2. 她打算学习应用语言学课程。

    She plans to take a course in applied linguistics .

  3. 语言规划(languageplanning)既是应用语言学的一个分支学科,又是社会语言学的一个重要内容。

    Language planning is a branch of applied linguistics , also an important part of sociolinguistics .

  4. “应用语言学博客”在“longtimenosee”是源于美洲土著还是出自中国的争论中指出:

    As the Applied Applied Linguistics blog points out in the debate over whether " long time no see " has Native American or Chinese origins .

  5. 正如Little(1991)所描绘的,学习者自主性已是应用语言学领域的一个新的术语。

    Learner autonomy is as Little ( 1991 ) describes it , the new ' buzz-word ' in the field of applied linguistics .

  6. 根据美国应用语言学中心(CenterforAppliedLinguistics)的数据,1997年,约有三百分之一的美国小学开设了普通话课程;到2008年,这一数字已升至近三十分之一。

    In 1997 about one in 300 US elementary schools taught Mandarin ; by 2008 the figure was close to one in 30 , according to the Center for Applied Linguistics .

  7. 结构方程建模及AMOS软件在应用语言学研究中的应用

    Structural Equation Modeling with AMOS in Applied Linguistics Research

  8. 陈建平(2010)认为商务英语的主要理论理据有专门用途英语理论(ESP)、应用语言学理论、功能主义语言学理论和语言经济学理论。

    Chen Jianping ( 2010 ) argues that the main theory of Business English comes from ESP , Applied Linguistics , Systemic Functional Linguistics and Economics and language .

  9. 维也纳大学(UniversityofVienna)英语与应用语言学教授芭芭拉?赛德尔霍弗(BarbaraSeidlhofer)表示,人们通常感觉没有英语母语人士在场会更轻松。

    Barbara Seidlhofer , professor of English and applied linguistics at the University of Vienna , says relief at the absence of native speakers is common .

  10. 随着应用语言学和心理语言学的发展,人们发现阅读并不是被动的解码过程,而是一种主动的猜测&证实的过程(Goodman,1971),即自上而下的阅读模式(Top-downmodel)。

    With the development of applicative linguistics and psychological linguistics , people find reading is not a process of passive decoding but an active process of " guessing-check " ( Goodman , 1967 ), i.e * Top-down Model .

  11. 所谓多角度指的是分别从符号学、历史语言学、语用学、第二语言习得和外语学习等应用语言学角度来同时研究pun。

    By multi-dimensional study it means the study is mainly carried out in terms of semiotics , diachronic linguistics , pragmatics , second language acquisition and foreign language learning .

  12. 自20世纪80年代Nagy等人提出词汇附带习得假说以来,词汇附带习得成为应用语言学领域的一个热门。

    Since Nagy , Herman and Anderson proposed the Incidental Vocabulary Learning Hypothesis in 1980s , the study on incidental vocabulary learning has been a hot topic .

  13. 在应用语言学和TESOL中,人们早已开始研究学习者的学习认知过程,然而对外语教师所经历的认知过程&教师信念体系的研究还只是最近的事。

    While a focus on learning cognitive processes is not new in applied linguistics and TESOL , interest in the EFL teachers ' cognitive processes is a more recent topic for discussion in the EFL teaching circle .

  14. 文秋芳,2001,《应用语言学研究方法与论文写作》。

    Wen , Qiufang.2001.Applied Linguistics : Research Methods and Thesis Writing .

  15. 本文的目的是讨论应用语言学的新趋势。

    The article aims to discuss recent trends in applied linguistics .

  16. 第11届应用语言学国际会议:跨学科应用语言学

    11th World Congress of Applied Linguistics : Applied Linguistics Across Disciplines

  17. 应用语言学的学科特性和理论模式

    On the Disciplinary Characteristics and Theoretical Models of Applied Linguistics

  18. 语言学及应用语言学学科知识门户站点建设构想与技术实现

    The Design of Establishing " Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Information Portal "

  19. 冗余信息是信息论中一个非常重要的术语和概念,在把它运用到应用语言学中来处理语际翻译之前,我们有必要对它进行界说。

    Redundant information is an important term and concept in information theory .

  20. 如果你打算学习应用语言学课程

    If you plans to take a course in applied linguistics

  21. 术语学的研究与应用语言学密切相关。

    The study of terminology is closely related with the applied linguistics .

  22. 自主学习的研究是当今应用语言学界的一个热门话题。

    Autonomous learning is a focus in language field in recent years .

  23. 应用语言学中研究的界定及分类

    Definition and Classification of " Research " in Applied Linguistics

  24. 语言测试研究是应用语言学的一个分支。

    Language testing is a branch of applied linguistics .

  25. 目前我国应用语言学研究方法的调查与分析

    Current Applied Linguistics Research in China : Survey and Analysis of its Methodology

  26. 然而,在应用语言学领域的研究中却较少出现。

    However , it rarely finds itself in the field of applied linguistics .

  27. 应用语言学是一门新兴的独立学科。

    Applied linguistics is a new and independent discipline .

  28. 从应用语言学研究领域看我国英语应用语言学教学与研究

    English Applied Linguistics in China from the Perspective of Domains of Applied Linguistics

  29. 应用语言学与语言教学初探

    On the Relationship Between Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching

  30. 俄罗斯应用语言学研究近况分析

    A review of recent research in Russian applied linguistics