
  • 网络Compaq;Compaq Computer;Compaq Computer Corp
  1. 康柏公司两年后上市时,他们的股本为3,800万美元。

    Two years later , when Compaq went public , their stock was valued at $ 38 million

  2. 康柏公司和东芝公司在个人电脑市场上争夺同样的顾客。

    Compaq and Toshiba compete for the same customers in the market for personal computers .

  3. 康柏公司在去年实现了这个目标,创下销售收入3120万美元的销售业绩,名列第二。

    Compaq made it last year by coming in second with $ 31.2 billion in sales .

  4. 两年后,美国康柏公司上市时,他们的股票价值是3800万美元。

    eg.Two years later , when Compaq went public , their stock was valued at $ 38 million .

  5. 1997年,温特拒绝了现在惠普公司的分支,当时的康柏公司70亿美元的收购提议。

    In1997 , Waitt turned down a $ 7 billion takeover bid from compaq , now part of Hewlett-Packard Co.

  6. 在1993年下半年,他要使康柏公司在1996年成为世界领先的电脑制造商;

    In late 1993 , he aimed to make Compaq the leading PC maker in the world by 1996 ;

  7. 而我当时的东家康柏公司是当时全球最大的个人电脑生产商。

    And my employer at the time , Compaq Computer , was the largest personal computer company in the world .

  8. 她认为,比起依靠自己的力量,同康柏公司的合并能够使惠普公司更快地达到自己的目标。

    Merging with Compaq , she said , would enable HP to reach its goals faster than it could on its own .

  9. 依据合并协议条款,如果惠普公司打退堂鼓的话,它就得支付康柏公司高达6.75亿美元的补偿。

    Under the terms of the merger agreement , HP might have to pay Compaq as much as $ 675m if it backed out .

  10. 亿美元收购康柏公司将是惠普公司进一步发展的最佳办法,尽管这一做法招到了来自休利特和帕卡德家族成员的反对。

    Ms Fiorina also reiterated why she believes her $ 24 billion plan to acquire Compaq is the best way forward for HP , despite objections by Hewlett and Packard family members .

  11. 从康柏公司的发展历程引出关于公司治理结构中领导者的管理能力与环境不对称的问题,即认知行为问题。

    The developmental course of Compaq introduces us a problem that in company management structure the managemental ability of company leaders fails to match up to the correlated environments , namely , one of cognitive behavior .

  12. 1994年,康柏公司,全球个人电脑生产的领军公司,据统计当年由于推迟交货而导致1亿美元的损失。

    In1994 , Compaq Computer , the world 's leading manufacture of personal computer , estimated that it had lost nearly $ 1 bn in sales that year because of the time delay on its inventory and delivery .

  13. 因此,我们高兴地看到,诸如康柏电脑公司这样的强有力的竞争对手也对此表示了认同。

    So we see strong competitors like Compaq endorse it .

  14. 惠普公司完成了其与康柏电脑公司的合并。

    HP completes its merger transaction with Compaq Computer Corp.

  15. 2001年9月4日,美国电脑巨头惠普公司宣布它已于康柏电脑公司达成合并协议,并将以股票交换方式进行,合并涉及金额达250亿美元。

    September 4 , 2001 - Hewlett-Packard Company and Compaq Computer Corporation announced a definitive merger agreement to create an $ 87 billion global technology leader .

  16. 康柏与Microsoft公司的密切合作关系,连同我们在康柏内部采用WindowsNT的丰富经验,使得我们更有能力帮助客户实施NT解决方案。

    Our strong partnership with Microsoft as well as our own experience deploying Windows NT throughout Compaq puts us in the best position to help customers implement NT solutions .

  17. 康柏电脑总公司始创于1982年德州休斯顿的一家馅饼店中的一次接见会面之后。

    Compaq Computer Corporation was formed after a1982 meeting in a Houston , Texas , pie shop .

  18. 康柏电脑总公司始创于于1982年德州休斯顿的一家馅饼店中的一次会晤之后。

    Compaq Computer Corporation was formed after a 1982 meeting in a Houston , Texas , pie shop .

  19. 2003年5月,惠普与康柏电脑总公司合并,组成了一个充满动力的强大的公司,14万员工在160个国家运作,以43种货币和15种语言经营业务。

    The May 2002 merger of Hewlett-Packard and Compaq Computer Corporation forged a dynamic , powerful team of 140000 employees with capabilities in 160 countries and doing business in 43 currencies and 15 languages .

  20. 即使是康柏这样的大公司也在模仿戴尔建立起某种订购机制。

    Even the mighty Compaq is emulating Dell by building some machines to order .

  21. 康柏从PC转向互联&访康柏公司大中华区公司总裁俞新昌

    Compaq : Shifting from PC to Internet An Interview with Yu Xinchang , CEO of Compaq Co. , China Mega-area