
  1. 有能力偿还拒不偿还的,由人民法院判决强制偿还。

    If a debtor shall be compelled by the decision of a people 's court .

  2. 在一定时期内债务是要强制偿还的。

    It is mandatory to pay a debt within a certain period of time .

  3. 赌债不能通过法律手段强制偿还。

    A gambling debt is not legally enforceable .

  4. 同时集团被强制要求偿还债务,以应对国内经济紧缩,并相对于便宜的进口货保持竞争力。

    Companies , meanwhile , have been focused on paying down debt , as well as coping with deflation in the domestic economy and competition from cut-price imports .