
cái néng
  • can;talent;ability;equipment;gift;belong to;aptitude;faculty;endowment;will
才能 [cái néng]
  • (1) [ability;talent]∶才智和能力

  • 才能不及中人。--汉. 贾谊《过秦论》

  • 没有进行抽象推理的才能

  • (2) [aptitude]∶指天生的爱好或先天的潜在的能力

  • 越来越多的证据表明,妇女有写作侦探小说的特殊才能

  • (3) [equipment]∶禀赋

  • 能言善辩也是一种才能

  • (1) [will]--表示将来的时候才会

  • 过些时候我们才能说它是什么

  • (2) [belong to]∶是合适的、恰当的或有利的(对人或对物)

  • 唯独他才能胜任这种工作

才能[cái néng]
  1. 对儿童的才能拔苗助长是不明智的。

    It is unwise to force a child 's talent .

  2. 他起家时只有天生的才能和决心。

    He started with nothing but raw talent and determination .

  3. 英格兰队必须拿下这场比赛才能确保获得资格。

    England must win this game to be sure of qualifying .

  4. 她的才能使她在本行业中出类拔萃。

    Her abilities carried her to the top of her profession .

  5. 怎样才能使你的婚姻再次充满绵绵爱意呢?

    How can you put the romance back into your marriage ?

  6. 我必须弓着身子才能钻到桌子底下。

    I had to bend double to get under the table .

  7. 真正的后果只有在几年之后才能知道。

    The true consequences will only be known several years hence .

  8. 有她那样才能的女性找工作不难。

    A woman of her ability will easily find a job .

  9. 他们至少要过两个小时才能到。

    They won 't arrive for at least two hours yet .

  10. 只有时间才能证明这种疗法是否成功。

    Only time will tell if the treatment has been successful .

  11. 我们最早也要到下星期五才能完成。

    We can 't finish before next Friday at the earliest .

  12. 这定时锁要用特定密码才能打开。

    A special code is needed to override the time lock .

  13. 有些胎儿的畸形部位得等到妊娠后期才能诊断出来。

    Some foetal malformations cannot be diagnosed until late in pregnancy .

  14. 我最早也要到三号才能赶到。

    The earliest possible date I can make it is the third .

  15. 他的伤需要很长一段时间才能好。

    His injuries will take a long time to heal .

  16. 你要先交钱才能进去。

    You 're meant to pay before you go in .

  17. 我们需要多少钱才能做好这件事?

    How much money do we need to do the job properly ?

  18. 我怎样才能和汤姆谈呢?他会很失望的。

    How can I face Tom ? He 'll be so disappointed .

  19. 得几个月工夫才能使乐队像个样子。

    It 'll take months to bring the band up to scratch .

  20. 怎么才能把我账户上的钱转到他的账户上呢?

    How can I transfer money from my bank account to his ?

  21. 你对我这样慷慨,我怎么才能报答你呢?

    How can I ever repay you for your generosity ?

  22. 你怎么才能设法走出森林?

    How do you navigate your way through a forest ?

  23. 她只有在催眠状态下才能记起那次事故的细节。

    She only remembered details of the accident under hypnosis .

  24. 我还得花很长时间才能完成。

    It 'll be a goodish while yet before I 've finished .

  25. 这些植物在高温潮湿的环境中才能生长得旺盛。

    These plants need heat and humidity to grow well .

  26. 只有和几个人在一起时,她才能表现出真实的自我。

    Only with a few people could she be her real self .

  27. 只有有人担保才能加入这个高尔夫俱乐部。

    Entrance to the golf club is by sponsorship only .

  28. 你得学习成绩优良才能进入医学院。

    You have to do well academically to get into medical school .

  29. 农民靠丰收才能活命。

    The peasants depend on a good harvest for their very existence .

  30. 我们得有个平面才能玩这个游戏。

    We 'll need a flat surface to play the game on .