
jì shù zhī shi
  • technical knowledge;technological know-how
  1. 做这项工作最好多懂一些技术知识。

    A measure of technical knowledge is desirable in this job .

  2. 我们的技术知识资源是无法估量的。

    Our resources in technical knowledge are imponderable .

  3. 我们需要熟练工人和专业技术知识。

    We need skilled workers and technical know-how .

  4. 他们把技术知识毫无保留地传授给了我们。

    They unreservedly passed on to us their technical know-how .

  5. 第二章主要介绍课题设计的相关技术知识,包括使用的架构、JSP技术、数据库技术等;

    Chapter two introduces mainly the technology knowledge relevant to the designation of the task , which embrace the structure . the technology of JSP and data base ;

  6. 为进一步的论述奠定基础。第二章对LPG运输、装卸进行了系统归纳,为船舶安全运输提供了必要的技术知识。

    The second chapter makes a systemic conclusion in the shipping and handling of LPG , which provides necessary shipping techniques to transmit LPG in the security conditions .

  7. 第二章介绍了PMP软件设计平台以及与PMP设计相关的技术知识,着重介绍了X平台的体系结构和实时流媒体协议栈等内容。

    In chapter 2 , a software platform of portable media player and technology information for reference are introduced . The architecture of X platform and real-time streaming media protocols are also discussed in detail .

  8. 结合校园网介绍了VLAN技术知识,并详细分析了STAR-S1926F+网管交换机的VLAN技术,对网络开发和计算机教学有一定的参考价值。

    The article introduces VLAN technology and knowledge together with campus network , and analyses in detail the VLAN technology of STAR-S1926F + switch , it has definite reference value to network exploitation and computer teaching .

  9. 中国联通增加了基于WCDMA技术知识的3G牌照,这使原本处于弱势的中国联通获得了更多的追赶中国移动和中国电信的机会,可以说机会更大,但是面临的困难也更大。

    China Unicom had been authorized to operate 3G network based on the WCDMA technology , which provided the disadvantaged China Unicom more opportunities to catch up China Telecom and China Mobile , and which would be probably a better chance , but also a greater challenge for China Unicom .

  10. 智力资本包括社会核心科学和技术知识。

    Intellectual capital includes society 's core scientific and technological know-how .

  11. 加强工程技术知识教育适应注册建筑师制度

    Strengthening engineering technological knowledge education and adapting the registered architect system

  12. 强化操作人员专业技术知识和技能培训。

    Enhanced operator training for professional and technical knowledge and skills .

  13. 工业经济是以从牛顿到麦克斯韦的科学技术知识为基础的经济;

    Industrial economy is based on knowledge of science and technology .

  14. 第五章从专业的角度详细分析总结了汽车广告摄影中表现人性化的创意方法以及相关技术知识;

    Creativity for the car photograph and related technique knowledge ;

  15. 但对企业自主创新能力起作用的主要是技术知识内部化这个步骤。

    However , the step of the internalization plays the key role .

  16. 基于企业技术知识系统的技术自主度评价研究

    Research on Evaluation of Technology Autonomy Degree Based on Enterprise Technology Knowledge System

  17. 技术知识与产品创新的辩证互动

    Technical know-how and product innovation 's dialectic interaction

  18. 企业要想维持持续的竞争优势就必须创造其它企业难以模仿的隐性技术知识。

    In order to keep lasting competitive advantage , enterprises have to create tacit technical knowledge .

  19. 已有的研究大多集中在技术知识搜索对企业产品创新的影响。

    Previous researches focus on the effect of technology search on innovation , largely ignoring market search .

  20. 提供超越产品知识的专业技术知识

    Providing expertise beyond product knowledge

  21. 在他能解决这一问题之前必须先要弄懂的技术知识。

    Technological knowledge that he would have to take on board before he was capable of tackling the problem .

  22. 要想激励其他人,相比深度的技术知识,软件工程师更需要软技能。

    In order to motivate others , software engineers require soft skills often more than they need in-depth technical knowledge .

  23. 你要参加2周的培训,以了解工作条例,安全措施和相关的技术知识。

    You will take a two-week training to understand the working rules , the safety measures and the relevant technique knowledge .

  24. 各国都高度重视高新技术知识产业的发展,重视高科技对本国经济的推动作用。

    All the countries have paid more attention on high-tech industry development , and high-tech promotion to the domestic economy development .

  25. 要加强法制和安全保障体系建设;要树立正确的人才资源观,加强人员培训和信息技术知识普及工作。

    Set up the right view to the talented resources , enhance the training of the information technique to the personnel .

  26. 技术知识在形成以后必须要经历传播过程,才能实现其自身的价值和对社会经济功能作用。

    To realize its own value and functions to social economic , technical knowledge must go through a diffusion process after its construction .

  27. 全球经济一体化格局的形成、市场竞争的日益加剧、科学技术知识的快速更新,使企业组织和个体的生存日益艰难。

    Globalization , intense market competition , fast renewal of science and technology makes both the enterprises and individuals much more difficult to survive .

  28. 技术知识是企业取得竞争优势的关键资源,并且是企业中不可模仿的主要资源。为了让技术知识为企业产生最大化的竞争优势,必须促进技术知识在企业内部有效地进行转移。

    Technological knowledge is the key resource to gain competitive advantage , and is the main resource that is hard to imitate for an enterprise .

  29. 具体知识资本又分为技术知识资本和劳动知识资本,具体化的技术知识资本和具体化的劳动知识资本在结合过程中又产生不期而获型的非具体知识资本;

    Knowledge capital consists of concrete knowledge capital and non-concrete knowledge capital , concrete knowledge capital consists of concrete technological knowledge capital and labor knowledge capital .

  30. 当环境一方面要求专业技术知识,另一方面又要求每个产品线能快速做出变化时,就需要矩阵式结构的管理。

    It destroys the traditional management structure . We need this kind of structure when situation requests both special technology and quick changes in each product line .