
zhāo dài suǒ
  • guest house;hostel;hospice;reception center
招待所 [zhāo dài suǒ]
  • [guest house] 单位招待宾客住宿的地方

  1. 住在招待所的人大多更喜欢单人间,而不想和别人共住一间。

    Most hostel tenants would prefer single to shared rooms .

  2. 招待所地点适中。

    The hostel is well situated .

  3. 数百名初级文职官员只能被安排到旅馆和临时青年招待所过夜。

    Hundreds of junior civil servants have to be put up in hotel rooms and temporary hostels

  4. 由于Neyriz城市与IMS采石场距离非常近,我们在市里设置了IMS的石矿场办公室和招待所,接待客户。

    Due to the closeness of our quarries to Neyriz city , we have chosen this city for the location of the IMS quarry office and guest house .

  5. 最初,招待所的业主Cruse女士照料着她和她的哥哥,但很遗憾的是,她的哥哥死去了。

    Initially guesthouse owner Miss Cruse was caring for both her and her brother but the boy sadly died .

  6. 比如,非赢利组织。老龄招待所(elderhostel)为几十万55岁以上的老年人提供服务。

    For example , the nonprofit organization Elderhostel serves hundreds of thousands of people over age fifty-five .

  7. 我们被安顿在招待所过夜。

    We were fixed up for the night in a hostel .

  8. 我查遍了附近所有的宾馆和招待所

    I 've checked every hotel and hostel in the area .

  9. 我们在青年招待所看到一群快乐的外国留学生。

    We found a happy crew of foreign students in the hostel .

  10. 我要一辆出租车在上午8点到招待所。

    I 'm calling for a taxi to the guest-house at8:00a . m.

  11. 招待所的价格,标准间的享受。

    Guest houses , price , standard rooms to enjoy .

  12. 他说他住在一家青年招待所。

    He says he 's staying at a Youth Hostel .

  13. 这是一家为无家可归者所设的救世军招待所。

    It 's a Salvation Army hostel for homeless men and women .

  14. 伦敦市中心的青年招待所已经重建。

    The young men 's hostel in central London has been rebuilt .

  15. 他们横穿法、德两国旅游,总是在青年招待所投宿。

    They travelled through France and germany , always staying in youth hostels .

  16. 招待所经理告诉我们,现在马里人民天天生活在恐慌之中。

    The manager told us people in Timbuktu are now living in fear .

  17. 在招待所和廉价汽车旅馆度假的日子已经过去了。

    My days of roughing it in hostels or fleabag motels are over .

  18. 我朋友在海滨一个招待所度假。

    My friend spent his holiday in a rest home by the sea .

  19. 政府已经制定了一个计划,为无家可归的年轻人建造青年招待所。

    The government have set up a scheme to build hostels for homeless youngsters .

  20. 我将留在女招待所。

    I am staying at the female hostel .

  21. 到青年招待所去,为自已订个过夜的地方。

    Go to the Youth Hostel and book yourself a place for the night .

  22. 《招待所》北极村的招待所,外表看上去条件还是不错的。

    Hostel The hotel looks good from the appearance in this North Pole village .

  23. 这招待所能接纳20人住宿。

    The guest house can lodge twenty persons .

  24. 我在伦敦学习时,住在学生招待所。

    While I 'm studying in london , I 'm staying at a student hostel .

  25. 招待所的电报(海底电报、用户电报)挂号是6080。

    The telegraphic ( cable , telex ) address of the guest house is 6080 .

  26. 你这会儿不怕没有招待所啦,哼!

    You aren 't afraid there 's no guesthouse now , are you ? Hmph !

  27. 这些青年招待所实际上也适合老年人住,是不是?

    These places really do cater for the hale and hearty , don 't they ?

  28. 保护宾客的安全是招待所警卫的职责。

    It is the duty of the guards at the guesthouse to protect the guests .

  29. 我刚到苏格兰,现在住在一家青年招待所。

    I have just arrived in Scotland and I 'm staying at a youth Hostel .

  30. 某培训中心招待所增层改建

    Storey addition of a training center hotel