
  • 网络sql;eas;delphi;web;educational administration management system
  1. 教务管理系统为教务工作提供技术支持,是开展教务管理工作的核心系统,因此系统功能很大程度上决定了工作开展的好坏。

    The EAS is the core system for educational administration which provided technical support for the academic . So the function of EAS largely determines the quality of work carried out .

  2. 通过对这些教务管理系统的对比研究和分析,发现了教务管理系统存在的问题和不足,并对解决这些问题、弥补不足所采取的措施进行了探讨。

    By comparing these educational EAS research and analysis , we found that the EAS have problems and deficiencies . To solve these problems , we had discussed and made same measures .

  3. 教务管理系统的开发与.NETWebServices应用

    Developing of educational management system and application of . Net Web Services

  4. 用VisualBasic开发高校教务管理系统

    Developing educational administration management systems of colleges and universities in utilizing Visual Basic

  5. 基于Web的教务管理系统安全方案设计

    Design of security solution for Web-based educational administration system

  6. 基于WEB的院系二级教务管理系统的设计模式

    Design Mode of Department-level Management System for Educational Administration Based on the WEB Code

  7. 基于Web的教务管理系统结构设计与安全措施

    Architecture Design of an Educational Administration System and Its Security Precautions Based on Web

  8. NET架构开发WEB服务模式的教务管理系统,阐述了。

    NET framework , the web service in teaching management is studied , and .

  9. 基于Java与Web模式的教务管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Educational Management System Based on Java and Web Model

  10. 基于UML的成人教务管理系统静态模型

    Static Models of Administrative System for Adult Education Based on UML

  11. J2EE解决方案的教务管理系统的设计

    J2EE Solutions for the Design of the Academic Management System

  12. NET技术、多层分布式结构等应用在教务管理系统中的关键技术,使教务管理在较高的技术水平支持下达到较好的运行效果。

    Net technology , multi-layer distribution and other key techniques are elaborated which can be applied to teaching management system .

  13. 在第二章中,详细阐述了基于Web的教务管理系统的主要技术及工作原理,比较了。

    The second part illustrates in detail the main technology and working principle of Educational Administration Information System Based on Web with comparisons between .

  14. 基于J2EE的网络化综合教务管理系统的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation on System of Networked Synthesize Educational Administration On basis of J2EE

  15. 基于J2EE广播电视大学教务管理系统的安全策略问题

    Security policy of academic management system based on J2EE of Radio and Television University

  16. BP神经网络算法在教务管理系统中对学业方向识别的研究与应用

    BP Neural Network Algorithm in the Educational Management System to Identify the Direction of Academic Research and Application

  17. 结合SqlServer7.0巧用教务管理系统

    Use educational management system with SQL server 7.0

  18. 结合J2EE技术和工作流技术在教务管理系统的编制上是可行的,并且能显著提高系统各方面的性能。

    Developing teaching management system using J2EE and workflow techniques is feasible and can improve some performance .

  19. 分析了传统教务管理系统存在的安全问题,提出了基于Web的教务管理系统安全设计方案。

    The security problems of traditional educational administration systems ( TEAS ) were analyzed . In order to improve their security , a novel integrated solution was proposed .

  20. Delphi语言开发教务管理系统

    Teaching Management System Developed with Delphi Language

  21. 用ApacheMySQLPHP构建高校教务管理系统

    Educational administration management system with Apache MySQL PHP

  22. 本文介绍了基于LAMP的高校综合教务管理系统的开发过程。

    The paper introduces the process of development of college comprehensive educational administration system , technologies based on LAMP .

  23. 本文探讨了基于Web的远程教务管理系统的主要功能,并结合清华大学远程教务系统的实际情况,提出了实现远程教务管理系统时应该注意的一些关键问题。

    This paper discusses the main functions of distance educational administration , and it brings up some issues of implementing it based on Distance Educational Administration System of Tsinghua University .

  24. 一个完整的基于Web的教学系统一般应该由网上课程开发系统、网上教务管理系统、网上教学支持系统和网上资源管理系统四个子系统组成。

    A integral Web-based instructive system generic is composed of net-based course development system , net-based management system of teaching task , net-based support system of instruction and net-based resources management system .

  25. 本论文就是希望用上述技术、框架来建立一个分层结构逻辑清晰、可扩展性强的教务管理系统,采用MVC设计模型并运用Struts应用框架来设计和开发一个教务管理系统。

    Using MVC design model and Struts application framework to design and develop an educational management system .

  26. NET技术开发B/S模式教务管理系统中涉及到的关键技术进行了探讨,并给出了相应的解决办法。

    The paper discusses the key technologies of designing the B / S mode teaching affairs management system based on ASP . NET , and gives the corresponding resolvent .

  27. 建立基于Web的教务管理系统是高校信息化的一个重要标志之一,它可以提高学校的教学管理水平、质量和效率。

    Therefore , to establish an educational administration system based on the Web , which is an important symbol of informationized institution , will allow us to improve quality and efficiency of educational administration .

  28. 建立了较为完整的UML模型,提供了清晰的教务管理系统解决方案,并完成了教务管理系统的实例开发。

    Establish a relatively complete UML model , provides a clear of educational management system solutions , and completed examples of educational administration system development .

  29. 本文选择了成人教务管理系统的一个用例,从不同角度对其进行动态建模,以体现UML模型的多视角性并比较各种模型的特点。

    The paper selects one use-case from different views to show the multi-view feature of UML models and to compare the characters of various UML models .

  30. 根据高等院校成人教学管理的特点,论述了基于三层结构模式的Internet网上教务管理系统的设计思想和实现方法。

    According to the features of the adult education management of university , this paper expounds the design thought of and implementing methods for the educational administration system on Internet based on the three-layer structure mode .