
  • 网络Educational Theory and Practice;Theory and Practice of Education
  1. 教育理论与实践。

    Theory and Practice of Education .

  2. 以活动课程为基础实现德育与心理教育的结合是教育理论与实践中亟待探索的崭新课题。

    It is a quite new topic in the theory and practice of education to achieve the combination of moral and psychological education through the curriculum of activities .

  3. 反思性教学(reflectiveteaching)作为一种新兴的教育理论与实践,对我国的教育改革有着不可忽视的影响。

    As a newly-born educational theory and practice , reflective teaching has played an important role in Chinese educational reform .

  4. 劳动技术教育理论与实践的探索

    Investigating on Theory and Practice of Manual Labor and Skill Education

  5. 大学生思想政治教育理论与实践座谈会综述

    Summary of Symposium on College Students Political Education Theory and Practice

  6. 教育理论与实践脱节的原因及对策

    Solutions and Reasons for the Separation of Educational Theory from Practice

  7. 梁漱溟乡村教育理论与实践探析

    The Research on Countryside Educational Theory and Practice of Liang Shuming

  8. 迈克·西蒙生远程教育理论与实践的研究

    Research on Michael Simonson 's theory and practice of Distance education

  9. 论恽代英在中华大学的教育理论与实践

    Yun Dai-ying 's Educational Theory and Practice in Central China University

  10. 幼儿园整体性营养教育理论与实践的研究

    The Theory and Practice Research on the Kindergarten Comprehensive Nutrition Education

  11. 发展中国残疾人高等教育理论与实践

    Developing the High Education Theory and Practice of the Disabled in China

  12. 教学案例研究,是一种新兴起的研究策略,为解决教育理论与实践两者研究相脱节的关系搭起了一座桥梁;

    Pedagogical case study is a new strategy of research .

  13. 对教育理论与实践关系问题的本土反思

    Relation between Educational Theory and Practice : A Native Reflection

  14. 孔子的教育理论与实践对当代教育的启示

    The Enlightenment to Nowadays ' Education from Confucius 's Teaching Theory and Practices

  15. 教育理论与实践问题之再追问

    On the Problems of Theory and Practice in Education

  16. 创新教育理论与实践问题的若干思考

    Thinking of the Theory and Practice of Creativity-Oriented Education

  17. 教育理论与实践整合初探

    Inquiry into the Conformity of Educational Theory and Practice

  18. 职业学校内化式道德教育理论与实践研究

    New Research of Theory and Practice on Internalized Morality Education in Vocational Schools

  19. 问题意识是培养创新能力和创造能力的前提和关键,努力培养学生问题意识已成为我国教育理论与实践中关注的焦点之一。

    And the key of innovation and creativity education is to develop problem awareness .

  20. 数学教育理论与实践契合困难研究

    Disjointed Problems of Practice from Mathematical Education Theory

  21. 《网络教育理论与实践》课程网络教学资源设计研究

    The Design Research of " Web-based Education Theory and Practice " Curriculum Internet Instructional Resources

  22. 近十年来我国教育理论与实践关系研究述评

    Reviews on the Relationship of Educational Theory and Educational Practice over the Past Decade in China

  23. 科学主义与人文主义的对立统一及其对高等教育理论与实践的影响

    The Antithesis of Scientism and Humanism , and Its Influence upon the Higher Educations Theory and Practice

  24. 徐特立的教育理论与实践中包含着丰富的创造教育思想。

    There is plenty of ideology of creative education in Xu Te-li 's educational theory and practice .

  25. 从抽象的人到具体个人&当代教育理论与实践中人的转向

    From abstract man to specific man : the transformation of man in contemporary educational theory and practice

  26. 建构主义学习观对当今教育理论与实践产生了广泛的影响。

    Constructivist view of learning has exerted a widespread influence on the theories and practice of modern education .

  27. 距离不是脱离&刍议教育理论与实践的关系

    The Distance Is not Separation & Discuss the relation of the theory of education and the practice again

  28. 一方面,教育理论与实践经历了很大的变革,另一方面,教育技术的发展也十分迅速。

    Educational theories and practices have changed a lot , and so do the development of educational technology .

  29. 德育实效性问题是教育理论与实践工作者重点关注的问题之一。

    Efficiency of moral education is one of the key issues of practitioners in education theory and practice .

  30. 二有利于教师教育理论与实践的有机结合,促进教师教育一体化;

    It is helpful for the organic combination of theory and practice and the integration of teacher education ;