
  • 网络history of literature
  1. 只有通过对文学历史中事件的故事化处理,文学的历史才能在时间中被塑形。

    Hence , the history of literature can be portrayed in the evolution of the times , by means of translating literature history into stories .

  2. 可以说,几千年来的中国文学史或音乐史,其主体部分就是一部中国音乐文学的历史。

    So we can say , several thousand years of Chinese history of literature or music history , is a main part of the history of Chinese music literature .

  3. 中国和西方文学的历史都充分证明了这一点。

    The history of Chinese and western literature has proved it .

  4. 论中国现代无产阶级文学的历史进程

    On the Evolution of the Modern Proletariat Literature of China

  5. 秦代文学的历史意义与价值

    On the Historical Significance and Value of the Literature In Qin Dynasty

  6. 世纪之交中国文学的历史迷惘

    The historical maze of the Chinese literature at the join of centuries

  7. 欧美儿童文学的历史演变

    The Historical Development of Europe and America Children 's Literature

  8. 20世纪中国现代主义文学的历史反思

    Reviewing Chinese Modernism Literature in the 20 ~ ( th ) Century

  9. 中国现代文学的历史分期与现代性特征

    The Division of Historical Periods and the Modern Features of Modern Chinese Literature

  10. 论台湾现代主义文学的历史位址

    On the Historical Place of Modernist Literature in Taiwan

  11. 最后是文学的历史继承性、文学自身发展的需要。

    The last is the need of literature development .

  12. 论五四新文学的历史理性

    On Historical Reason of May 4th New Literature Movement

  13. 当下文学的历史影像

    Present & day Literature and Its Historical Image

  14. 华裔美国文学的历史及现状

    The History and Actuality of American Chinese Literature

  15. 文学的历史与历史的文学

    The literary history and the historical literature

  16. 台湾现代主义文学的历史位置一直不甚分明。

    The historical position of modernist literature in Taiwan was not very distinct all along .

  17. 辽宁文学的历史是由来自满汉作家共同书写的。

    The history of Liaoning literature is written by writer coming from Manchu and Han .

  18. 浅谈苏联战争文学的历史演变

    Historic Evolution of Russian War literature

  19. 伤痕文学的历史局限性

    The Historical Limitations of Trauma Literature

  20. 徽州文学的历史地位

    The Historic Position of Huizhou Literature

  21. 库克在这本书中说,非裔美国文学的历史主要经历了,四个时期。

    Cooke argued in this book that the history of African-American literature passes essentially through four stages .

  22. 本文是从读者接受的角度对中国近现代文学的历史考察。

    This paper makes a historical study of modern Chinese literature from the viewpoint of reader reception .

  23. 作为中国最早成熟的戏剧形式,元杂剧在整个中国叙事文学的历史上都占据着十分重要的位置。

    As the earliest maturated drama model , Yuan-zaju takes an important role in the whole china narrative literature history .

  24. 以胡适的“文学的历史进化论”为代表的文学进化史观是20世纪最有影响的文学史观念之一。

    Hu Shi 's theory of literature historical evolution represents one of the most influential literature historical view in the20th century .

  25. 全球化时代比较文学的历史承担&论比较文学的学理立场和策略立场

    The Historical Mission of Comparative Literature in the Age of Globalization : On the Academic and Strategic Stances of Comparative Literature

  26. 文学的历史观与新历史主义从新历史主义看史传与中国古典小说的亲和性

    The Historical View of Literature and ' Neo-historicism ' Affinity of Chinese history biography and Chinese classical novel from Neo - historicism

  27. 探讨中西艺术文化与现代文学的历史联系是当前学界重要的研究课题之一。

    The historical relationship between Chinese modern literature and art culture of China and the West is an important research topic at present .

  28. 其次,对美国华裔文学的历史进行了范围上的扫描,确定了本论文的研究对象为新移民的作家。

    Next , it will generally introduce the Chinese American Literature and focus on the research object in the thesis is the immigrant writer .

  29. 此外,该文体的运用对中西方文学的历史性融合及中国文学资源的拓展也起到了潜移默化的推动作用。

    Besides , the use of classical Chinese has also benefited the historical fusion of the Chinese and Western literatures and the development of Chinese literature resources .

  30. 力图通过对不同历史时期历史文学的历史观念的考察分析,客观展现当代历史文学创作中就现代性思考和探询的连续性。

    Through study and analysis of historic ideas in historic literature in vary periods , it reflects the continuous thought about modernity in modern Chinese literature objectively .