
  • 网络kite fighting;fighter kite
  1. 斗风筝在阿富汗、巴基斯坦和印度等国家相当盛行。

    Kite fighting is popular in countries such as Afghanistan , Pakistan and India .

  2. 有一次,有个多嘴的印度小孩,他家最近才搬到附近,告诉我们,在他的家乡,斗风筝必须严格遵守一些规则和规定。

    One time , a bratty Hindi kid whose family had recently moved into the neighborhood told us that in his Hometown , kite fighting had strict rules and regulations .

  3. 斗风筝比赛是阿富汗古老的冬日风俗。

    The kite-fighting tournament was an old winter tradition in Afghanistan .

  4. 我是斗风筝的好手,实际上,是非常出色的好手。

    I was a good kite fighter . Actually , a very good one .

  5. 阿富汗人尊重风俗,但讨厌规则,斗风筝也是这样。

    Afghans cherish custom but abhor rules . And so it was with kite fighting .

  6. 一个大男人在斗风筝比赛中还惦记那些有的没的。

    A grown man worrying about such nonsense when in the middle of flying kites .

  7. 斗风筝用的通常是用纸和竹子做的小而平的菱形风筝。

    Fighter kites are usually small , flattened diamond-shaped ones made of paper and bamboo .

  8. 斗风筝所用的风筝是不加尾的,这样风筝的灵活性和可操作性才能不受损害。

    Tails are not used on fighter kites so that agility and maneuverability are not compromised .

  9. 但是没隔多久,事实证明我和哈桑造风筝实在不行,斗风筝倒是好手。

    But it quickly became apparent that Hassan and I were better kite fighters than kite makers .

  10. 我不知道其他家伙斗风筝为了什么,也许是为了在人前吹嘘吧。

    I didn 't know what the other guy was playing for , maybe just bragging rights .

  11. 每个斗风筝的人都有助手,帮忙收放风筝线。我的助手是哈桑。

    Every kite fighter had an assistant in my case , Hassan who held the spool and fed the line .

  12. 其实也差不多,在喀布尔,斗风筝跟上战场有点相像。

    And that wasn 't so far off . In Kabul , fighting kites was a little like going to war .

  13. 你让我输掉的那个风筝可是个真品斗风筝。我老弟从新德里寄来的印度斗筝。

    Raj : The kite you made me lose was an authentic Patang , Indian fighting kite that my brother sent to me from New Delhi .

  14. 我要是取胜了会怎么样呢?他只是交给我一把钥匙吗?我是斗风筝的好手,实际上,是非常出色的好手。

    Was that what it would take ? Had he just slipped me a key ? I was a good kite fighter . Actually , a very good one .

  15. 他从六岁开始斗风筝&这是一项休闲活动,也就是风筝飞上天后竞相绞断对方的风筝线。

    He started kite fighting ? a recreational sport where kite flyers try to down opponents'kites by slicing them with their own , sharp , specially-made kite strings ? when he was six .

  16. 在巴基斯坦和其邻国印度,放风筝的人常常在天空中“斗”风筝,他们用金属线或者沾满玻璃碎片的风筝线把其他人的风筝从空中击落。

    Kite-flying in Pakistan and neighboring India often involves aerial duels in which participants try to bring down each other 's kites using string coated in a sticky paste of ground-up glass or metal .