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  • schedule planning
  1. 在培训活动中,可以维护课程、学员及培训日程计划,提供学员登记选课功能。

    In training activities , it can maintain the course , trainee and training schedule planning and provide the functions of trainee registration and course selection .

  2. 日程计划事件现在部份可以在提醒模式下看到。

    Day planner events are now partially visible on reminder mode .

  3. 这种理性的安排是因为每个人都有自己的时间日程计划。

    The rational for this is each person has an individual schedule .

  4. 我想我们最好削减一些她的日程计划。

    I think we 'd better whittle down her schedule .

  5. 你对我们提出的日程计划和下一步工作有什么想法?

    What 's your opinion on the schedule and next steps we proposed ?

  6. 希望能听到更多你对评估和日程计划的建议。

    Look forward to your feedbacks and suggestions soon .

  7. 所需要的最后一件事情是日程计划。

    The last thing this needs is scheduling .

  8. 谢谢你,希望能听到更多你对评估和日程计划的建议。

    Thank you and look forward to having your opinion on the estimation and schedule .

  9. 根据工作环境和团队的情况,制定日程计划时要给错误和挫折留出适当的余量。

    Develop schedules with margin for mistakes and setbacks appropriate for the work environment and team .

  10. 为你们合作的工作设定时限和日程计划,试着帮助她对她的任务负起责任来。

    Set deadlines and schedules in your interactions and try to help her be accountable for her actions .

  11. 因此,根据这两种方法编制的日程计划在资源受限的情况下一般不能够得到保证,由此产生了资源受限项目调度问题。

    Therefore , the project schedule established according to both methods generally can not be completed under resource constraints .

  12. 提出了分段制造日程计划的模拟与优化方法,包括年生产计划的分解、构造排序函数、分段进出场地的规则;

    The method , Block Construction Scheduling simulating and optimizing , is presented , and the object function is described .

  13. 讨论一些基本的项目计划要素:项目任务清单,日程计划表(进度表),沟通计划,会议时间表,项目管理等。

    Discuss the base project plan elements : Project Task List , Schedule , Communication Plan , meeting schedules , project administration , etc.

  14. 在你的日程计划里加入突发情况(比如电脑故障),在你的计划表里留出可以灵活支配的时间。

    Include in your programme ( schedule ) unpredictable items and situations ( e.g.problems with the computer ): allow an extra time gap to adjust your program if necessary .

  15. 我们一起在缅因州长大,这几年来一直都在说我们应该有个一年一度的聚会,但通常都因为日程计划冲突而延迟或取消。

    We grew up together in Maine and have said for years that we should have an annual event , yet its often postponed or canceled due to schedule conflicts .

  16. 第一步是安排你与老板的“交际”时间,无论是咖啡时间,还是在日程中计划一段时间集中交流。

    The first step you should take is to build in some " networking " time with your boss-whether it 's coffee , or scheduling some time in a calendar for focused discussion .

  17. 有关政府部门应该把跑酷运动场地设施的建设、跑酷运动指导员的培养、跑酷体育运动文化的宣传纳入政府机构的工作日程和计划当中,以政策和法规为保障手段,建立保障制度。

    The relevant government departments should take parkour sports facilities construction , parkour instructor training , parkour sports culture propaganda incorporate into the work schedule and plan of government institutions , to establish a security system . 3 .

  18. 还改进了日常工作中使用的应用程序,如邮件、日程安排和计划、Web浏览和讨论。

    It also included improvements to the applications you use in your daily work , such as mail , calendar and scheduling , Web browsing , and discussions .

  19. 这些压力重重的“奈特尔(NETTEL)”父母永远都在排日程、列计划,记录着要怎样完成第二天的事务。

    These stressed-out Nettel parents are forever scheduling , scheming and diarising about how to execute the next day 's events .

  20. 这样的话,你就确定了自己的日程和饮食计划。

    This way , both your calendar and your food plan will be set .

  21. 消灭杂乱无章,写下日程,提前计划。井井有条会使你能预见不必要的压力境况、并且消除它们。

    Get rid of clutter , write down a schedule , and plan in advance . Being organized will allow you to anticipate and eliminate needless stressful situations .

  22. 一天晚上,大雨使我们观看世界最佳网球运动员比赛的安排泡汤了,而且我们也很难得到关于网球比赛日程推迟和应急计划的信息。

    And rain messed up an evening of watching some of the world 's best tennis players , and we had difficulty getting information about postponement of the tennis schedule and contingency plans .