
  • 网络PRESTON;Preston North End
  1. 安妮是兰开夏郡姑娘,老家在普雷斯顿附近的朗顿。

    Anne is a Lancashire lass from Longton , near Preston

  2. 此外,普雷斯顿还是《重来的决心》(TheRewiredResolution)一书的作者。

    Preston is also author of , The Rewired Resolution .

  3. 他的工作是引航船只沿两边,沙岸的河流向上进入普雷斯顿(preston)港。

    It was his job to guide ships up the river , between banks of sand , into the port of preston .

  4. 曼联正在公开的寻找新的中场队员,但是21岁的琼斯在上赛季被租借到普雷斯顿和NEC的表现却让人眼前一亮。

    United are openly chasing new midfielders , but the progress of21-year-old Jones in loans at Preston and NEC Nijmegen last season has been eye-catching to say the least .

  5. 普雷斯顿估计,在U.C.F.,大约80%的客户只需要接受有限的治疗。

    Ms. Preston estimates that about 80 percent of clients at U.C.F. need only limited therapy .

  6. 最初的实验是由普雷斯顿麦克伦登博士进行的。

    The first experiments were carried out by Dr Preston mclendon .

  7. 希望普雷斯顿也能对我有所帮助。

    Hopefully Preston will be able to help me as well .

  8. 我想旅途中经过约克,但最好是经过普雷斯顿。

    I might travel by York or preferably by preston .

  9. 噢,不是普雷斯顿杰克吗?对不起。

    Oh , is n 't that Preston jack ? So sorry .

  10. 普雷斯顿发现,在她的学生客户中,焦虑症正在增加。

    Ms. Preston has seen the uptick in anxiety among her student clients .

  11. 普雷斯顿能带些切下的肉来,作为内脏。

    Preston can bring in some meat offcuts to be the internal organs .

  12. 普雷斯顿管在均匀加糙床面上的应用

    Application of Preston Tube on Uniformly Rough Beds

  13. 普雷斯顿:我们为何要这样?

    Preston : Why are we doing this ?

  14. 我军前两次和普雷斯顿的杯赛全打平了。

    Liverpool and Preston have been drawn together on two previous occasions in the F.A.Cup .

  15. 德莱特被租借前往英冠的普雷斯顿28天。

    Ritchie De Laet has joined Championship side Preston North End on a28-day emergency loan .

  16. 凯文教练在西方戏剧肖恩·普雷斯顿山洋基队员。

    Kevin coaches for the West Hills Yankees where Sean Preston plays on the team .

  17. 普雷斯顿,干得好。

    Preston , a job well done .

  18. 像普雷斯顿这样的年轻爱国者教会了我们所有人如何去践行我们作为美国人的公民责任。

    Young patriots like Preston teach all of us about our civic duty as Americans .

  19. 英国1985年庆祝了其第一条高速公路的开通,也就是如今的普雷斯顿路段。

    In 1958 , Britain celebrated the opening of its first motorway - the Preston bypass .

  20. 虽然,周一他在战胜普雷斯顿的预备队比赛中确实打了60分钟。

    He did , however , play an hour in the Reserves'win over Preston on Monday .

  21. 这位21岁球员告诉普雷斯顿网站他希望能打一线队。

    The21-year-old told the Preston North End website he 's looking forward to playing first-team football .

  22. 在电话采访中,普雷斯顿谈到自己数十年来一直想要了解这种病毒。

    In a telephone interview , Mr. Preston spoke about his decades-long quest to understand the virus .

  23. 这名在爱达荷州普雷斯顿任教、名叫罗伯特·克罗斯兰德的教师被指控虐待动物。

    Robert Crosland , who teaches in Preston , Idaho , was charged with misdemeanour animal cruelty .

  24. 普雷斯顿,非常感谢你所做的一切,非常感谢。

    Thank you very much for all you 've done , Preston . Thank you very much .

  25. 普雷斯顿对那些为国捐躯的人的尊敬提醒我们为什么要向国旗致敬,

    Preston 's reverence for those who have served our nation reminds us why we salute our flag ,

  26. 在维杜卡与卡马拉的转会战落败后,英超升班马伯明翰将会在近期对普雷斯顿前锋纽金特进行报价。

    Birmingham will bid for preston 's David Nugent after missing out on mark Viduka and diomansy kamara .

  27. 这个球打乱了普雷斯顿的节奏,他们不知道怎样阻止曼联。

    The goal broke Preston 's resistance , and they had no answer as United continued to pull away .

  28. 对我来说最好的就是租借出去,希望能在普雷斯顿打上比赛帮助球队。

    The best thing for me is to go out on loan , get some games and help Preston .

  29. 这起案件发生在兰开夏郡普雷斯顿附近的柯卡汉姆监狱,那里的工作人员目前正在调取查看闭路电视录像。

    The crime happened at Kirkham Prison near Preston in Lancashire , where staff are currently looking at CCTV footage .

  30. 我需要在比赛中积累经验,很高兴普雷斯顿能给我这个机会。

    I need the experience in games and I 'm just happy Preston have given me the opportunity to do this .