- 网络inflation;cosmic inflation

[suddenly swell] 急剧膨胀
Several hundred thousand years after inflation , matter declared final victory and cut itself loose from radiation .
If the scale factor a is thought of as a time variable , the initial values of ψ and x for the success of inflation are obtained .
When the vacuum expectation value of the scalar field is approximately equal to a constant owing to the spontaneous symmetry breaking , we find a anisotropic de Sitter cosmological solution . The expansion isotropization is automatically obtained by this vacuum inflation .
Bulk Viscous Fluid in an Inflating Universe
In the standard theory , acceleration occurs after the big bang because of an ad hoc inflaton field .
As an extension of the big bang theory , inflation theory predicts the universe density is rather close to the critical density . thus , the universe is flat .
By introducing the inflationary scenario , some of these problems for instance , horizon problem , flatness problem as well as magnetic monopole problem can be completely or partly resolved .
The beauty of this picture is that it automatically incorporates the great insight of standard inflationary theory-namely , that the universe had to undergo a period of acceleration to become so homogeneous and isotropic .
Then the distance from Earth to Moon had suddenly inflated over 10 times between about 3 1 × 10 9 a and 3 0 × 10 9 a ago , which stopped the mobile period of Archean tectonics and the eruption of the Mare basalt in short order .