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  • European currency unit
  1. 欧洲货币单位(EuropeanCurrencyUnit)按固定比重的成员国货币组成的货币篮子试交易了几年之后,才于1999年1月1日更名为欧元。

    The European Currency Unit , a basket of fixed amounts of national currencies , traded for several years before its name was changed to the euro on January 1 1999 .

  2. 公平而合乎逻辑的重估方式,将是推出一种新的欧洲货币单位(ecu-2)。

    The logical and fair way to rede-nominate would be to introduce a new European currency unit ( ecu-2 ) .

  3. 英国后来提议的欧洲货币单位硬通货(hardecu)遭遇了同样的命运。那是一个复杂的构想,世界上也许只有六个人理解。

    The same fate awaited a later British proposal for a hard ecu , a complex idea that perhaps half a dozen people understood .

  4. BDM的100还允许创建后看了原ECU软件的一个欧洲货币单位(整个软件完美的副本)。

    BDM100 allows also to create perfect copies of the whole software of an ECU ( after having read the original ECU software ) .

  5. 另外,这些考量在判断委员会对通用汽车大陆公司处以100000欧洲货币单位的罚款是否有正当理由时具有决定性的重要作用。

    On the other hand , these considerations are of decisive importance where it is necessary to consider whether the Commission was justified in imposing on General Motors Continental a fine of100000 units of account .

  6. 关于经济和货币联盟,我强调过我们需要做好准备,跨越目前的处境,来建立一个欧洲货币基金和共同的通用货币,也就是我们所说的欧洲货币单位。

    On economic and monetary union , I stressed that we would be ready to move beyond the present position to the creation of a European monetary fund and a common community currency which we have called a hard ECU .