
  • 网络revaluation;appreciation
  1. 在产品市场FDI企业从长期考虑必须提高产品的资本-劳动比,才能减少汇率升值带来的不利影响,继续盈利。否则将减少利润直至退出。

    In the product market , FDI enterprises must improve capital-labor ratio to reduce the adverse impact of exchange rate appreciation ; otherwise it will result in decrease in profit .

  2. 比如说,近期欧元兑日元汇率升值,一些货币鹰派人物认为,这就是日本央行(boj)操纵货币的证据。

    Take the recent appreciation of the euro against the yen , which some monetary hawks see as proof of currency manipulation by the Bank of Japan .

  3. 人民币汇率升值压力不断增加,CPI大幅上涨,这种双高的现象,违反了经济学的一般规律。

    Increasing pressure on the RMB exchange rate , CPI rose sharply , this " double high " phenomenon , the general rules of law of economics .

  4. 保尔森在向英国工业联合会(confederationofbritishindustry)致词时表示,中美之间在经济政策问题上存在不少矛盾美国长期以来一直希望中国允许人民币兑美元汇率升值。

    Addressing the Confederation of British industry , Mr Paulson said there had been a fair amount of tension between Beijing and Washington over economic policy the US has long wanted China to let its currency rise against the dollar .

  5. 人民币汇率升值压力、影响与机制改革

    The pressure , effect and mechanism innovation of RMB exchange rate

  6. 浅析人民币汇率升值对中国经济的影响

    Effects on China 's Economy Caused by the Upvaluation of RMB

  7. 人民币汇率升值对中国资本市场转型的影响

    On impacts of Renminbi appreciation on transformation of Chinese capital market

  8. 即人民币实际有效汇率升值同时会导致浙江省进口的减少。

    RMB appreciation would lead to reduced imports of Zhejiang Province .

  9. 人民币汇率升值论的缘由、分析及对策

    Cause , Analysis of Appreciation Theory of RMB and Countermeasures to It

  10. 汇率升值加速推动股指创出5年新高

    Stock Indexes Reach Five-year High Pushed by Exchange Rate Rise

  11. 美国国会一直在施压,要求人民币实际汇率升值。

    Congress has been pressing for a rising real Chinese exchange rate .

  12. 人民币汇率升值对上海外向型经济的影响分析

    Analysis on the Impact of RMB Appreciation on Export-oriented Economy in Shanghai

  13. 人民币汇率升值问题研究

    Research on the Appreciation of RMB ' Exchange Rate

  14. 汇率升值本身并不能消除盈余。

    Exchange rate appreciation by itself will not get rid of the surplus .

  15. 敦促汇率升值会促使他们采取强有力的行动。

    Pressing for exchange rate appreciation strengthens their hand .

  16. 人民币汇率升值的路径选择

    The Path Selection of RMB Exchange Rate Appreciation

  17. 人民币汇率升值压力的经济根源与调节政策

    Economic Incentives for the Demand to Raise RMB Values and Adjustment of Relevant Policies

  18. 另一个办法是允许资金流入,同时让本币汇率升值。

    Another possibility is to allow the money in and let exchange rates appreciate .

  19. 人民币汇率升值对涉外经济发展影响研究:以山东为例

    Analysis of the Effects of RMB 's Appreciation on the Foreign-Related Economy in Shandong

  20. 汇率升值预期加速刺激航空股创出年内新高

    Expectation of Exchange Rate Rise Pushes Aviation Sector to This Year 's New High

  21. 第二季度日圆兑美元汇率升值4%。

    During the quarter the yen gained 4 per cent against the US dollar .

  22. 相反,汇率升值有可能在外部盈余出现之前导致通货紧缩。

    Appreciation is likely , instead , to generate deflation before the external surpluses re-emerge .

  23. 慎重处理好人民币汇率升值与汇率机制问题。

    The foreign exchange rate and exchange mechanism of RMB should be cautiously deal with .

  24. 人民币汇率升值对资本市场影响分析

    Impact of Renminbi Appreciation Upon Capital Market

  25. 汇率升值本身并不能带来理想的结果。

    Exchange rate appreciation cannot , on its own , bring about the desired outcome .

  26. 驳人民币汇率升值论?

    Is the renminbi kept undervalued ?

  27. 它抑制了汇率升值,令债券收益率曲线更为陡峭,由此对银行构成支持。

    It has held back currency appreciation and steepened the bond yield curve , supporting banks .

  28. 出于这些考虑,中国不应鼓励单向押注汇率升值。

    With these concerns , one-way bets on the exchange rate are not something China should encourage .

  29. 在1979年和1984年第一季度期间,实际汇率升值17%。

    Between the first quarters of 1979 and 1984 the real exchange rate appreciated by 17 percent .

  30. 第一,汇率升值是经济发展的大势很难避免。

    The appreciation of the exchange rate is a trend of economy , which is hard to avoid .