
fǎ lǜ shì shí
  • juridical fact;legal fact
  1. 法律事实事件是当事人无法预见,不可克服、不可避免的法律事实。

    Legal fact events are unpredictable , uncontrollable and inevitable legal facts .

  2. 法律事实的形成过程是司法过程的弱点所在。

    The formation of legal fact is a weakness in judicial procedure .

  3. 论法官剪裁法律事实的规范化

    On the Standardizing of the Judge Tailoring the Law Fact

  4. 不当得利源于罗马法的规定,为债的发生的原因,是法律事实的一种。

    Unjust enrichment originates from the stipulations in Roman law .

  5. 一段时间以来,更多的法律事实上是在欧盟总部布鲁塞尔起草的。

    Ever more laws are in effect drafted in Brussels these days .

  6. 论法律事实含糊的语用学研究

    A Study on Judicial Facts Vagueness from a Pragmatic Perspective

  7. 法律事实的认定常成为作出判决的基础。

    Authenticating legal facts usually serves as the foundation of passing a judgment .

  8. 而同一个法律事实,有可能引发多个法律关系,从而承担多种法律责任。

    The same law fact may cause k in ds of law relationships .

  9. 法律事实的建构除了借助非语言手段外,主要诉诸语言手段。

    The construction of legal facts requires mainly verbal means besides non-verbal means .

  10. 从法律事实法律关系到法律适用对案例进行简单分析。

    From the legal fact legal relationship to the legal application of case analysis .

  11. 因此,对当前这一民事法律事实进行讨论具有十分重要的现实意义。

    As a result , discussion over this civil law actuality assumes considerable importance .

  12. 第五部分为法律事实的解释。

    Part V , construction of legal fact .

  13. 前科一般是指犯罪人曾受有罪宣告的法律事实。

    Criminal record generally refers to a legal state by previously conviction to perpetrator .

  14. 正文主要试图探讨和说明以下几个问题:第一,法律事实概述。

    These questions will be discussed and illustrated as follows : Firstly , legal facts .

  15. 必须是对特定的法律事实的解释;

    Second , the legal interpretation must be the explanation to a specific legal fact .

  16. 认定法律事实的基础

    On the Foundation of Authenticating Legal Facts

  17. 再论民事法律事实

    On the Juristic Fact in Civil Law

  18. 我们按法律事实认罪如何?

    How about we plead sufficient facts ?

  19. 论法律事实与客观事实

    On Legal Facts and Objective Facts

  20. 缴纳专利年费的行为或不缴纳专利年费的行为都是法律事实中的事实行为。

    Paying or not paying patent annual fee is an actual demeanour of all legal facts .

  21. 法律事实与法律方法

    Legal Facts and Legal Methods

  22. 航空器上法律事实与行为法律适用问题比较研究

    Analysis of the Application Rules of Air Law from the Aspect of Facts and Acts on Board

  23. 不当得利为债产生的法律事实,构成民法上的基本制度。

    It is a legal matter engendered by debts and constitutes the basic system of civil law .

  24. 法律事实的概念

    The Concept of Legal Fact

  25. 不当得利能引起债的发生,在性质上是一种法律事实。

    The unjust enrichment can produce the obligations , it is a kind of legal fact in character .

  26. 真实性是法律事实形成的条件,而共识性应是法律事实的合理性标准。

    Truthfulness is the precondition for the formation of legal fact and consensus should be its rational standard .

  27. 如实供述应该以法律事实为判断标准;

    It should based on the facts in law in assuring the " confess truthfully " assessment criterion ;

  28. 摘要法律事实不是自然生成的,而是法官人为剪裁的结果。

    The law fact is not a nature born , but the result of the judge factitiousness tailoring .

  29. 诉讼证据认定标准之我见&从客观事实与法律事实关系谈起

    My View on Standards of Determination of Action Evidence & From Relation between Objective Fact and Legal Fact

  30. 第三部分:不当得利法律事实与侵占罪交叉的实质。

    Part three presented the essence of overlapping between unjust enrichment as a lawful fact and offense of misappropriation .