
  • 网络Consumer sentiment
  1. GlobalInsight美国首席金融经济学家布莱恩贝休恩(BrianBethune)表示,恶劣天气削弱了消费者情绪。

    Brian Bethune , chief US financial economist at Global Insight , said that the severe weather had undermined consumer sentiment .

  2. 有关食物和饮用水受到辐射的报道,尤其影响消费者情绪。

    Reports of radiation in food and drinking water are especially corrosive to consumer sentiment .

  3. 财经新闻机构MarketNewsInternational今年7月的一项调查还发现,中国消费者情绪低落。尼尔森的调查也显示,第二季度中国消费者信心有所回落。

    A July survey by Market News International also found consumers in a despondent mood , and the reading on Nielsen 's second-quarter confidence survey fell .

  4. 法利说,福特曾与普拉达(PradaSpA)和博柏利(BurberryGroupPLC)合作评估消费者情绪。

    Mr. Farley said Ford worked with Prada SpA and Burberry Group PLC to evaluate customer sentiment . '

  5. 服务补救程度对消费者情绪和行为意向的影响

    The Effect of the Degree of Service Recovery on Customers ' Emotion and Behavioral Intentions

  6. 与此同时,消费者情绪依然疲弱。

    Meanwhile consumer sentiment remains weak .

  7. 消费者情绪对服务质量评价、满意度和忠诚度影响的实验研究

    The Experimental Research about the Effect of Customer Emotion on Service Quality , Satisfaction and Loyalty

  8. 消费者情绪因素对商品认知价值的影响&一个禀赋效应的研究框架

    The Impact of Consumer Emotions on the Perceived Value of Merchandise & A Research Framework of Endowment Effect

  9. 票房数字被认为是衡量中国消费者情绪和经济增长的另类指标。

    Box office numbers are regarded as an alternative indicator of consumer mood and economic growth in China .

  10. 在当今紧缩时期,尽管消费者情绪低迷,企业不断削减成本,但许多大品牌都在蓬勃发展。

    In the era of austerity , complete with subdued consumers and cost-cutting companies , big brands are flourishing .

  11. 科瓦尔斯基:业绩表现主要受到了消费者情绪以及他们对经济形势看法(例如经济是真正改善还是一时的好转)的影响。

    Mr. Kowalski : It 's driven largely by consumer sentiment and reaction to economic conditions perceived-real or of the moment .

  12. 美国消费者情绪飙升至多年的高点,这与最近零售销售和失业救济金申领数据高于预期保持一致。

    US consumer sentiment surged to a multiyear high , in line with the recent stronger than expected retail sales and jobless claims data .

  13. 与我们的欧洲同行交谈可以知道,形势看上去仍然很好。但是,随着这场欧元危机持续下去,谁知道消费者情绪会发生什么变化呢。

    Talking to our European colleagues , things are still looking strong but who knows what will happen to consumer sentiment as this euro crisis continues .

  14. 品牌应对措施对消费者情绪变化有显著作用。品牌应对得当能有效缓解消费者负面情绪。

    Companies ' response have significant effect on the change of emotions , if the company can respond properly , consumers ' negative emotions would alleviate .

  15. 通过对国内外关于服务创新的文献进行理论梳理,通过对服务创新、消费者情绪、行为意向的界定,以及三者之间关系的探讨,构建概念框架。

    Trough literature reading in and abroad , and define service innovation , consumer emotion and consumer behavioral intention , discuss their relationship and build theoretical framework .

  16. 在韩国,冷冻酸奶越来越受欢迎,但没有传统根基可以追寻,相反,是由国家对健康和在美国反映消费者情绪的功能性食品选择的兴趣推动。

    There , the growth in popularity of frozen yoghurt does not have traditional roots . Instead it has been fuelled by a national interest in wellness and functional food choices that mirrors consumer sentiments in the US .

  17. 不同年龄对消费者情绪和行为有显著差异,对认知评价无显著差异;消费者受教育程度、收入和光顾频率对消费者感知和行为无显著差异。

    Different ages on Consumer Emotions and Consumer Behavior were significantly different , no significant difference on Consumer Cognitive Appraisal ; consumers by education level , income , and patronage frequency on Customers Perceived Value and Consumer Behavior was no significant difference .

  18. 到了今年1月初,消费者的情绪达到高潮。

    By early January , emotions were at a fever pitch .

  19. 然而,以性别视角研究消费者消费情绪前因变量的研究非常少。

    However , gender perspective on consumer emotion antecedents is very few .

  20. 欧洲消费者的情绪也好不到哪儿去。

    The mood in Europe is no better .

  21. 服务消费中多次情绪感染对消费者负面情绪的动态影响机制

    Multiple Emotional Contagions and its Dynamic Impact on Consumer 's Negative Emotion under Service encounters

  22. 利用广告引起消费者的情绪情感反应,进而产生有利于产品销售的效果,这在广告策略中被称为情感担保。

    The emotional bonding is an advertising tactic that helps marketing through leading to consumer 's emotional response .

  23. 全球消费者的情绪越低沉,股市反弹所需要的时间就越长。

    The darker the mood among global consumers , the longer it will take for global equities to rebound .

  24. 美国、欧洲以及发展中国家消费者忧惧情绪的日渐增长,会扼杀近期内的全球经济增长。

    Growing apprehension among consumers in the US , Europe and the developing nations threatens to throttle global economic growth over the near-term .

  25. 本文运用加工分离程序,探讨了广告诉求与消费者的情绪状态对品牌信息加工模式的影响。

    We used the process dissociation procedure to examine consumers ' information processing in relation to advertising appeal and consumers ' emotional state .

  26. 分析师指出这种情况要持续一段时间,因为上个月的灾难继续对消费者的情绪形成压力。

    Analysts say the situation could remain weak for some time as the effects of last month 's disaster continue to weigh on consumer sentiment .

  27. 在美国,有迹象表明经济复苏的所有要素均已到位即使消费者的情绪尚未大幅改观。

    In the US , there are signs that the building blocks for a recovery are in place even if this has yet to make consumers feel much happier .

  28. 今年到目前为止,中国出口额已增加34%,不过大部分增幅来自钢铁等重工业产品,它们没有受到消费者不满情绪的影响。

    Exports have grown by 34 per cent so far this year , although a lot of the increase has come from heavy industry products , such as steel , that are not affected by consumer backlashes .

  29. 二是消费者购物情绪对趋近行为有显著的影响,即购物积极情绪对趋近行为具有显著的正向影响,购物消极情绪对趋近行为具有显著的负向影响。

    Second , shopping mood has a significant impact on approaching behavior , namely , shopping positive mood has significantly positive effects on shopping approaching behavior , shopping negative mood has significantly negative effects on shopping approach behavior .

  30. 这种指挥中心里挂着成排的显示屏和监控器,可以追踪大量的实时状态和指标,比如从Twitter上的“提及”,到消费者的总体情绪和社交媒体的市场份额。

    Decked out with giant flat panel screens , sleek mood lighting and banks of monitors , the command centers track a dizzying array of real-time stats and indicators , from mentions on Twitter to general consumer sentiment and social media market share .