
yóu sǔn
  • peregrine falcon;tiercel;tercel;tassel
游隼[yóu sǔn]
  1. 游隼一度被用于鹰猎运动。

    The Peregrine Falcon was once used in the sport of falconry .

  2. 游隼素以猎界能手著称,当它发现猎物的时候,动作非常迅速敏捷。

    Known as the masters of the hunt , the peregrine falcon is swift in action when it sees its prey .

  3. 游隼捕到鸟类猎物时,通常是先拔掉它们的羽毛,再把肉撕下来

    Peregrine falcons usually pluck the feathers and strip the flesh off their bird prey .

  4. 在亚伦•泰宁特(AlanTennant)的《游隼之翼》(OntheWing)一书中,他详细记录了游隼的迁徙过程。

    In his book On the Wing , Alan Tennant chronicles his efforts to track the migration of the peregrine falcon .

  5. 产于东半球的小游隼,原训练用于捕食小鸟。

    Small Old World falcon formerly trained and flown at small birds .

  6. 环境保护部将公路上撞死或压死的动物送来喂游隼。

    The Environmental Conservation Department sends road kill to feed the falcons .

  7. 我了解到,游隼夫妇一般都是相守多年的。

    I knew peregrine pairs stay together for many years .

  8. 刚才我无意中听到,您是否正在寻找一只游隼?

    Did I overhear that you haven 't seen one of your falcons ?

  9. 东半球的小游隼,在天空中迎风盘旋。

    Small Old World falcon that hovers in the air against a wind .

  10. 近几年,观察者报告说,看到有游隼在那块平台上空高高地旋飞。

    In recent years , observers have reported seeing peregrines circling high above the mesa .

  11. 我认识到,对游隼的观察于我的精神世界意味着什么。

    I realized I cherished what the sight of the falcons did for my Spirit .

  12. 我们屋子附近有一根电话线的杆子,有只游隼几乎每天都栖息在上面。

    Near our house is a telephone pole , where a falcon sat almost every day .

  13. 欧洲和美洲的小游隼,深色羽毛,尾巴上有黑色条纹;用于狩猎。

    Small falcon of Europe and America having dark plumage with black-barred tail ; used in falconry .

  14. 雏鹰成长为一只完全成熟的游隼大概需要六周的时间。

    It took about six weeks for the eyas to mature into a fully grown peregrine falcon .

  15. 虽然德·拉·富恩特博士怀疑使用游隼是否明智,但他还是执行了这项计划。

    Though he doubted the wisdom of using falcons , Dr. de la Fuente undertook the project .

  16. 年初的时候,有人发现这两只游隼在烟囱岩上筑了巢。

    Earlier in the year , these two falcons had been spotted building a nest atop Chimney Rock .

  17. 由于它们的美丽、强劲和勇猛,游隼一直以来被认为是自由的象征。

    Because of their beauty , power and courage , peregrines have long been a symbol of freedom .

  18. 像游隼在歌潭镇已经变得超流行,甚至都有网络摄像头专门记录行踪。

    Like the peregrine falcons that have become so popular in Gotham they even have their own webcam .

  19. 我内心又一次感到非常激动,我为这地球上速度最快的物种之一&美国游隼而激动不已。

    Again I felt a thrill for one of earth 's fastest creatures : the American peregrine falcon .

  20. 州政府野生动物部门雇请我来观察这些游隼,并且提出一些保护它们的办法。

    The state 's Division of Wildlife hired me to observe the falcons and recommend ways to manage them .

  21. 游隼曾经在欧洲、亚洲和中东地区被广泛用于放鹰狩猎。

    Peregrine falcons were commonly used throughout Europe , Asia and the Middle East in the practice of falconry .

  22. 但是当他跟驾驶员驾着轻型飞机跟在游隼后头飞行时,他们却常常接收不到信号。

    But when he and his pilot flew their Cessna behind the birds , they repeatedly lost signal from the transmitters .

  23. 游隼是上帝的杰作,了解了游隼的美丽和能耐,我更加感激造物主了。

    The peregrine is God 's creature , and by understanding its beauty and function I appreciated more and more my own Creator .

  24. 红隼属鹰科的一种小游隼,分布于世界各地,尤指美洲红隼和欧洲红隼。

    Any of various small falcons belonging to the genus Falco that are distributed worldwide , especially the American kestrel and the European kestrel .

  25. 但是自从“放鹰狩猎”在中世纪后的迅速衰落,人们就很少饲养游隼了。

    However , ever since the rapid decline of falconry after the middle ages , peregrines have seldom been kept in people 's homes .

  26. 真隼的雌鸟个体较大,较凶猛,故鹰猎者喜用雌隼。东半球的小游隼,在天空中迎风盘旋。

    Females of the genus Falco are larger and Bolder than males and are preferred for falconry . small Old World falcon that hovers in the air against a wind .

  27. 游隼的飞行速度约为每小时80公里,而它在进行俯冲捕猎时的最高时速可达322公里,真可谓极速。

    With a speed of about 80 kilometers an hour and a maximum speed of 322 kilometers an hour while dive-bombing prey , the peregrine falcon flies with real superpower speed .

  28. 游隼是公认的速度最快的生物之一,它能够以355千米/小时的速度飞翔,着实令人震惊,超越任何人类科技能够达到的速度。

    A bird noted as one of the fastest living creatures , the peregrine falcon , can reach an earth-shattering 355 kilometers per hour ( 220 mph ) . This incredible creature beats nearly every peak of human innovation .

  29. 游隼能够达到这么快的速度也是出于生存需要,为了在空中拦截猎物,它必须以非常快的速度俯冲,再加上超薄的羽毛、尖锐的翅膀和符合空气动力学的身体,游隼的速度无可匹敌。

    The reason for this is simply necessity . To intercept its prey in the sky , the peregrine falcon must dive at remarkable speeds . A combination of its slim feathers , pointed wings , and aerodynamic body allows it to reach such speeds .