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huá bīng
  • ice-skating;skate
滑冰 [huá bīng]
  • [ice-skating] 穿着冰鞋在冰上滑行的一种体育运动

滑冰[huá bīng]
  1. 不过滑冰作为一项运动则起源于荷兰。

    Ice-skating as a sport , however , originated in Holland .

  2. 冬天的时候我们去1英里外的一个池塘滑冰。

    Winters we went ice-skating at a pond a mile west .

  3. 舞蹈表演者出场来到滑冰场上。

    The dancers came out onto the ice .

  4. 滑冰者在冰上滑行。

    The skaters were gliding over the ice .

  5. 滑冰运动员技巧难度大者获得额外加分。

    Skaters score extra points for technical complexity .

  6. 天气极冷,我们能到湖上去滑冰了。

    It was so cold that we were able to go skating on the lake .

  7. 你会滑冰吗?

    Can you skate ?

  8. 我真的滑冰了——尽管有些踉跄,但没有跌跟头。

    I actually skated , and despite some teetering I did not fall on the ice

  9. 男孩子喜欢滑冰。

    Boys like to slide over ice .

  10. 我在学习滑冰。

    I am learning to skate .

  11. 儿童喜欢滑冰。

    Children like skating on ice .

  12. 他们正开始滑冰。

    They were starting to skate .

  13. 我的同桌滑冰滑得很好。

    My deskmate skates well .

  14. 她除了打乒乓而外,还喜欢游泳、滑冰。

    Besides table tennis , she goes in for swimming and skating .

  15. 她滑冰时扭伤了脚踝。

    She turned her ankle while ice skating .

  16. 滑冰板风行了几个月,但又不流行了。

    The skate-board caught on for a few months , but then dropped out of fashion .

  17. 我们喜欢滑冰。

    We love to go skating .

  18. 我从前滑冰滑得不错,可现在没有这本事了。

    I used to be able to skate quite well , but I 've lost the knock .

  19. 滑冰、骑雪地摩托和开派对都能让你度过一个激动人心的夜晚。

    Skating.riding snow motorbikes and having parties can really make an exciting night .

  20. 我们去滑冰(goskating)、踢足球(playfootball)、谈论体育(talkaboutsports)、去听音乐会(gotoaconcert)。

    We go skating , play football , talk about sports , and go to a concert4 .

  21. 专家认为,滑冰能帮助改进一个人的平衡和身体的协调能力。

    According to experts , skating helps improve balance and coordination1 .

  22. 滑冰时的屈膝姿势意味着大腿在不停地运动。

    The bent2 knee position means that the thighs3 are working continuously .

  23. 滑冰者在溜冰时每小时可消耗高达600卡路里的热量。

    And the skater can burn up to 600 calories per hour on the ice .

  24. 例句今日小常识滑冰是一项了不起的健身运动。

    Ice skating is great for fitness .

  25. 我不知道滑冰在Jane的生活中到底将会扮演什么样的角色。

    I don 't know exactly what role skating will play in Jane 's life .

  26. 前国家滑冰冠军ShaneDouglas认为战胜眩晕的办法是继续滑冰。

    Former National skating champion Shane Douglas said the key to getting over dizziness is to keep skating .

  27. 根据《纪录报》(TheRecord)的报道,RIM计划在本月末为黑莓10的发布举办大量的推广活动,包括在基琴娜、沃特卢和安大略举办滑冰晚会(RIM的总部就在沃特卢)。

    According the record , rim plans to mark the launch of BlackBerry 10 later this month with a slew of promotion , including ice skating parties in Kitchener and Waterloo , Ontario .

  28. 在福克斯播放《美国偶像》的同时,NBC有三分之二的时间在播放男子花样滑冰录像。

    NBC filled about two-thirds of the hour during which it competed with " American Idol " with tape of the men 's figure-skating competition .

  29. 才不要。Roman都不会滑冰,escort:护送,护卫park:公园难道你不能在去开会的路上顺便把他带走吗?drop:放下nail:指甲salon:沙龙,大会客室送他去做美甲。

    No. - Blair : Roman does not even know how to ice skate . Can 't you escort him out of the park on your way to the meeting , maybe drop him at a nail salon ? -

  30. 运用标准的三维摄像DLT法测量和录像解析的方法,以参加2002年全国速度滑冰冠军赛(哈尔滨站)的男运动员为研究对象,对其500m比赛疾跑技术进行运动学研究。

    Through using the method of standard three-dimensional measurement and videotape analysis , taking the male speed skaters in 2002 National Speed Skating Championship as research subjects , this paper made kinematic analysis on sprint technique of 500 m speed skating competition .