
  • 网络Margin Call;blow-up;Explosive warehouses
  1. 任何免费公开提供的EA,都将使您的交易帐户爆仓。

    Any EA 's freely available publicly will lose your trading account .

  2. 回溯测试表明模型在实证中能很好控制投资者持仓期间的价格变动风险,有效规避爆仓事件发生。

    The back testing results show that the model can control price risk very well .

  3. 他追踪的是那些在美国上市而后爆仓的中国公司的高管。

    He tracks down executives of Chinese companies that listed on stock exchanges in the United States and then blew up .

  4. 同时,针对节假日快递爆仓问题,根据国内自身情况,从成本的角度为快递企业寻找可行的出路。

    At the same time , for the holidays courier warehouse explosion , according to the domestic situation , from a cost point for express delivery companies to find a viable way out .